Hello! what's the average amount of whey protein per day before & after?

   — Salsita (posted on June 13, 2006)

June 13, 2006
Hi, Initially I was told 60-70 grams of protein per day, but I was upped to 90 grams of protein as my hair started to fall out. Oh, and this was after surgery. Normie :)
   — Normie

June 13, 2006
I agree - anywhere between 50- 90 grams of protein per day. Personally, I think it is better to get protein from various food sources. I didn't use protein supplements until about 4-5 months out, and even then, only if I didn't think I had an adequate amount in by other means.
   — koogy

June 14, 2006
Before: As much as you can drink. It'll help curb cravings, build stronger tissue, make losing weight easier. After: Our plan is minimum of 3/day for prox, 5/day for distal. Pre-digested whey protein is the fuel you will use to *burn* fat, and to build muscle.
   — rayehawk

June 14, 2006
Depends on who you're asking. I'm a big fan of 120g before and after, for a generic proximal RNY. Maybe 90g for a band, and lots/way more for a distal RNY. That's whey protein made in water, 30g per serving using a product that has less than 5g sugar and less than 200 cal. Roughly speaking.
   — vitalady

June 18, 2006
I try to get in 90gram of protein from the drinks.. Then whatever from food is icing..
   — SJP

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