What is the difference between Wellbutrin XL...

My wonderful psychiatrist prescribed Wellbutrin XL for me. I am taking 300mg per day. What is the difference between Wellbutrin XL, Wellbutrin SR, and Bupropion (not the one for smoking called Zyban)? I have a friend who has not had any type of WLS (or so she says), who is taking Bupropion SR and she is ssssoooo skinny compared to what she was when I first met her. She claims she has just been *dieting*, but I have always felt in the back of my mind that something has caused this weight loss in less than a year. What's up? Please ease my mind...PROXIMAL LAP RNY 9/3/02 5'2" 265/177/126-115 Hadiyah, A.K.A.~~~    — yourdivaness (posted on November 4, 2005)

November 3, 2005
I also take Wellbutrin Xl, the difference in that at the Wellburtrin Sr, is that the one we take has to be taken at least twice a day. The other Wellbutrin Sr, I think is only taken once a day. Its a slow release pill, so the effects of it work all day. As apposed to the one we take where after its worn off, you have to redose. The Bupropion I think may be a generic version of the Wellburtrin. Hope this helps Melissa
   — kizie23

November 3, 2005
   — fishnrockport

November 3, 2005
Your friend very well have dieted and lost the weight. Depression is very different for each person and is marked by weight increase and loss, if she is on anti-depression medication then it is a possibility she had a weight increase. From your post it sounds like you have not known her very long. Mental health issues are very personal things and if you do not know her that well she may not inform you of the specifics of her issues. Besides, as too being overweight we have all been judged and you are judging someone who has lost weight and you think that because you don't know the reason you assume she had a WLS procedure. Hmm?
   — 1968 Loser

November 3, 2005
Wellbutrin XL is taken once a day. It's an extended release medication and this form is generally not recommended for RNY patients. My doc recommended the SR form which is sustained release that you take twice a day. I take it with something acidic to encourage the "release" since we have low stomach acid. I take a slightly higher than normal dose which may be because of malabsorption issues, but this form works great for me. There is also an IR or immediate release form that is taken 3x/day.
   — mom2jtx3

November 3, 2005
take her out to lunch, if she a cheap date, you will know
   — walter A.

November 4, 2005
OKAY, Linn P. Apparently you misunderstood what I was trying to say OR if I presented it that way, I apologize BUT YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SAY "you are judging someone who has lost weight and you think that because you don't know the reason you assume she had a WLS procedure." YOU ASSUME THAT I ASSUME. I've known her for several years and just so that you know, I ASKED HER RIGHT AFTER I POSTED, so whether I've known her long or not WAS NOT the question. I was asking about the medication in case you can't..I think it best I end this response to you right now. I would have preferred if you had this to say you (as well as I) should have responded to each other {{personally}}. Never-the-less, thanks for your input...I asked the question about medication not whether anyone thought she has WLS. If you just go back and read " I said I have a friend "who has not had any type of WLS or (so she says) which was the beginning of that sentence. Now, since you are the expert, she was hesistant, but broke down and told me she had Lap Band, thank you very much.
   — yourdivaness

November 4, 2005
OKAY, Linn P. Apparently you misunderstood what I was trying to say OR if I presented it that way, I apologize BUT YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SAY "you are judging someone who has lost weight and you think that because you don't know the reason you assume she had a WLS procedure." YOU ASSUME THAT I ASSUME. I've known her for several years and just so that you know, I ASKED HER RIGHT AFTER I POSTED, so whether I've known her long or not WAS NOT the question. I was asking about the medication in case you can't..I think it best I end this response to you right now. I would have preferred if you had this to say you (as well as I) should have responded to each other {{personally}}. Never-the-less, thanks for your input...I asked the question about medication not whether anyone thought she has WLS. If you just go back and read " I said I have a friend "who has not had any type of WLS or (so she says) which was the beginning of that sentence. Now, since you are the expert, she was hesistant, but broke down and told me she had Lap Band, thank you very much.
   — yourdivaness

November 6, 2005
If you are an RNY. You are on the wrong med. If it is the time release, you should be taking something else, if you want it to be actually effective. My doc was writing out a prescript for the wellbutrin time release, and I had to tell her that we cant take those, or NSAIDS, or Ibuprofin.
   — Jenny_B

November 6, 2005
Hi All!! Me again...Thanks for the responses. Why should I NOT take Wellbutrin XL? Jenny, I believe you were the last one to respond to my initial question. Has there been anything new as far as contraindications to come out that would indicate this is NOT for RNY's?? I'm just trying to understand.. Thanks!
   — yourdivaness

November 7, 2005
I think they are trying to tell you no time released medications because our new stomachs & intestines can not break down the time release formula properly for absorbtion. I am on the regular version of Wellbutrin twice a day 100 mg. each dose. I love it. My appetite has reduced greatly and my moods swings have evened out. I have lost 16 lbs. in the 7 weeks that I have been on it so far. I am sure after awhile I will stop losing. I am 3 plus years post op and struggling to get the last 30 lbs. off. This is really helping me. I am glad my doctor prescribed it for other issues and it ended up helping with my appetite.
   — ckreh

November 8, 2005
I took XL last year for SAD and had some side effects when I tried to go up to 300s from the 150s. This year I didn't notice as much 'kick' from the 150s and have gone to the 300s with no trouble. Seems to me that XL is meant to mostly digest over the course of the day in the intestinal track...if it didn't work that way it wouldn't be extended release. The only problem I could think of is if your system is too efficient and you have severay 'potty' trips per day. If not, it isn't exiting your body any quicker than it would in a normie. Hope it helps...I sure like it.
   — eaamc

December 30, 2005
Has anyone had elavated liver profiles from Wellbutrin SR
   — Dottie W.

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