I'm 6 months out and everyday after eating foam at the mouth this thick mucus (

and saliva with huge bubbles in it? It is painful and so nasty and continues for 1 1/2 to 2 hours when finally I throw up and the pain and indigestion leaves. I tryied taking zantact and it doesn't seem to help. Did anyone eles have this a nurse called it frothing but I can't find out any other information out about it.    — PAULA B. (posted on July 8, 2002)

July 8, 2002
I meant to say 6 weeks not 6 months sorry.
   — PAULA B.

July 8, 2002
Oh girl I am 7 weeks out and I KNOW just what you mean!!! One of 2 things is the solver for me. #1 what I have eaten isnt gonna stay with me long. Like chicken, tuna, salmon you get the point. But MOST of the time its #2 I didnt wait long enough between bites, didnt chew well enough OR tried to eat too fast. I make sure what ever is in my mouth hits the pouch b4 I eat another bite. I have cut way back on the rapid froth at the mouth by doing this. Good Luck!!!
   — Sassy M.

July 8, 2002
My doctor said that the foam is the stomach's way of protecting our mouth, throat, etc. from stomach acid before we vomit. I always get foam now if I'm going to get sick - it's a great warning signal, actually, although I don't get it as bad as you've described.
   — dgdover

July 8, 2002
i have had this happen 3 times in the 8 wks since surgery and each time it was because i ate too fast and didn't chew properly. i also think i had waited too long in between meals and was really hungry.
   — frances G.

July 9, 2002
I had the same problem and it is very common. Your pouch is producing too much mucus. My surgeon suggested sipping hot liquides 30 minutes before eating to help dissolve the mucus and taking a decongestant. I found that Sudafed works really well and they have a none drowsey formula. Hope this helps, if not, talk to your doctor he CAN help. You DO NOT have to be miserable!
   — Angela A.

July 9, 2002
I had the same problem at about 6 weeks. If you're not eating too fast, then you may have a stricture which is what I had. I had to have a procedure to get the stoma widened. Now, for the most part, at 5 months out, I'm fine, but every so often have foam, mucous and sometimes throw up. It's usually because I ate too fast. Take baby fingernail size bites and wait 2 minutes between. That works for me when I do it. Good luck.
   — Linda V.

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