I need both knees replaced but they wont do it until I lose weight.

Has anybody had this problem? Did they have it done after the operation. How long after surgery did they do your knees? I have a lot of trouble walking now. Will I be able to walk after my bariatric surgery?    — BOOMASMOM (posted on August 28, 2001)

August 28, 2001
I am pre op but have the same problem with my knees. My PCP said the ortho surgeon would't do my knees at my present weight because I would only tear the new ones up with my weight. I did talk to a women in the office of the surgeon who is doing my WLS and she said she was looking at knee replacement before WLS but now her knees are much better and she doesn't have to have the replacement. She had WLS 2 years ago. Good luck and God Bless.
   — Angela C.

August 28, 2001
I also need knee replacements but he would'nt do it because of my weight. They hurt so bad that I was walking with a cane for several months before my RNY. (Sometime with two canes as I was afraid I'd fall. But the rapid weight loss has helped tremendously and I don't need the canes anymore. The damage is still there and I'm almost positive the knee replacements are still needed, but the weight loss is buying me some time. My gut feeling is you'll be able to walk after surgery.
   — Danmark

August 28, 2001
I have the same problem only with my back. I have two herniated disks and my neurosurgeon told me point blank that, yes I could have back surgery, but at my pre-op weight, I would be right back in the same boat, possibly in a few short months. We then discussed WLS and he was of the opinion that taking weight off would decrease the strain that my stomach was putting on my back and may even alleviate a good deal of my pain. So now I'm 6 weeks post op and down 36 pounds and my back feels a little bit better all ready!
   — Dee P.

August 31, 2001
I was in the process of scheduling a total knee replacement when I decided to have WLS. There was no visible cartilage left on X-ray, and I spent every evening after work going straight to bed and icing down the knee. I was also taking the highest strength anti-inflammatories available and occasionally needing pain pills in order to sleep. I could tell a remarkable difference in my mobility and function within 2 months of my WLS...I was off all anti-inflammatories and pain medications by the third month post-op...I was working out at the gym 3-5 days a week by the fifth month post-op. Today, I am 17 months post-op, have lost 145 lbs., and am 10 lbs. from goal. There are some days when my knee feels a little stiff, but no longer uncomfortable at all, and my plans for knee replacement surgery are on hold indefinitely. Not everyone will have the same degree of "success", but I feel pretty confident that you will definitely experience relief from some or all of your symptoms. Good luck!
   — Diana T.

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