Does anyone know?
If having a c-section, that was cut up and down, like the after pain of an open rny? Just wondering ..... — [Anonymous] (posted on May 21, 2001)
May 21, 2001
I had a transverse (bikini cut) C-section and the pain was quite similar to
an Open RNY. However, I found that the C-section really prepared me for
the mechanics of getting in and out of a bed or chair when I had WLS. The
other benefit was, I figured if I could go through a C-section and a
vaginal birth in which the epidural was useless and the episiotomy wasn't
quite anesthetized, I could endure a little thing like having my guts
rearranged! Good luck and remember, Mr. Morphine is your friend!
— Allie B.
June 5, 2001
I've had a c-section and a hysterectomy (both up and down incisions) and
also had my gall bladder removed. I believe that RNY is closer in pain to
the gall bladder removal. In my case, I feel that the upper abdominal
surgeries hurt more than the lower ab surgeries. It seems like you have to
use your upper abs more often than your lower abs.
— Dianne C.
October 15, 2001
I have had three up and down c-sections and just had my open rny done less
than two weeks ago, trust me...the rny hurts a little more. Especially the
ribs will hurt and my back hurt.But no bruising. I was surprised,because I
usually bruise easily. I was expecting the worse though, going into surgery
and came out feeling better than I thought that I would. I wish you the
best as it was for me.
— Jan S.
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