Anyone else get heart palpatations?

Hi, I am almost a month out of my surgery and lost 34 pounds the first two and half weeks. I am now at a stand still. For the last week I have been having palpatations, dizziness and extreme tiredness. I have a hard time still eating and do best with cottage cheese, yogurt, egg. The Dr thinks I should cut down my serving size. I eat half a cup. Any suggestions?    — jen2fat (posted on June 28, 2011)

June 28, 2011
I remember having alot of fatigue the first year. I have had heart palps off and on thru my journey. Since it doesn't seem to be that you're not getting enough protein. You might try pushing more fluids. Eat smaller portions and more often. When I have them, it is usually dehydration, or I am slacking protein. If it continues, I would ask for a EKG just to be sure. Also, during the weight loss process your hormones to some weird stuff. I'm not a doctor, just telling my experience. Your a month out, your body is going thru a shock of sorts. Good luck and feel better. This will all be worth it in the end! :)
   — lesleigh07

June 28, 2011
Hi... I am 18 mos out and believe it or not 1/2 cup is alot for 1 month out... you could also be having episodes of hypoglycemia, or low blood pressure. Try eating smalller amounts more frequenty. I'm not sure what type of diet your surgeon has you on cause all seem to be different but it takes a combination of protein and carbs to maintain a normal level of blood sugar. You may ask that they check your blood sugar when you are having an episode. I have both hypogylcemic issues and low blood sugar. Good Luck...
   — fortywhat2

June 28, 2011
Both of the above answers are excellent. I would add that you should increase your water intake. I've had palpitations off and on since my surgery 4 years ago. Of course, that happens whenever I think of George Clooney!
   — Muggs

June 28, 2011
Check your blood work. I had same thing my iron was so low I almost needed a blood transfusion. I had severe anemia
   — jeanette a.

July 2, 2011
I'm pre surgery, but I do get heart palpitations from time to time and It is due to low Potassium. Your heart is a large mussel and needs potassium to run efficently
   — theresakae

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