I work out almost everyday, changing what I do daily

Will working out make a difference in my sagging extra skin?    — Debra Keith (posted on February 26, 2011)

February 26, 2011
It will help to put muscle where the fat once was. Firm and tone.
   — sandorah

February 26, 2011
I am very interested in the replies you receive, I have sagging skin on my upper legs, not my tummy, thank God. But my upper legs look like elephant skin, it is awful!
   — FSUMom

February 26, 2011
I am also very interested in ideas for "sagging skin" I have this issue all over especially my upper arms and neck! Wish I had an answer to your problem!
   — fortywhat2

February 27, 2011
Replacing the fat with muscle will always help, however it depends on how much skin and the "elasticity" in your skin. As far as the neck goes that is VERY difficult to fix. Actually according to my Aunt who is a surgical tech for a plastic surgen even most surgeries do not work well on that. I went for four chins to one and now have lots of wrinkles when I turn my head and she told me not worth the money to get it fixed.. You may laugh but she said to chew sugerless gum to tigheten the muscles in your face and neck.
   — phyllismmay

February 27, 2011
Depends how long you were obese or morbidly obese and obviously your age I'm 40 and my skin is not very elastic - who cares the weight loss has made me a new person and soooo much healthier - yay to your new fit lifestly too.
   — Tiffany S.

February 27, 2011
Depending on your weight loss; plastic surgery may be the only thing to tighten sagging skin AFTER you have been exercising a long time and toned muscles. Sometimes you can do all you can do and the surgeon has to do it from there.
   — Betty Todd

February 27, 2011
I am 57 and have lost 111 lbs. I have saggy skin on my upper arms and my thighs and belly. The only way to fix it is with plastic surgery. I spin, lift weights, do yoga, and walk half marathons so the exercise hasn't help the skin problem. Thank God for clothing.
   — Cynthia T.

March 3, 2011
My mom lost alot years ago on weight watchers. I remember her always using instant dry milk once a day. She said that they told her that it helps with saggy skin. I have consistently added 1/3 cup (dry) to my smoothie that I drink every morning. People have commented on how great my skin looks, not sagging, wrinklies, etc. I do have batwings,sagging on my inner thighs and belly pouch. However, with alot of exercise, My thighs and batwings are starting to decrease. Belly, is another story. Skin in general looks pretty good. I figured it was worth a try, and will continue to use because I believe that it does make a difference.
   — sandorah

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