Selling Isopure

Hello. I bought two cases of Isopure that I am not using because I can't tolerate it. I am in Charlotte, NC and if anyone wants to purchase it from me (16 bottles), please let me know. I will be selling them for $25.00, all 16 bottles. If interested, please email [email protected]. Thank you so much.    — whattalady (posted on October 13, 2010)

October 13, 2010
What flavors?
   — Diverpat

October 13, 2010
I bought a case too and now don't drink it. I think they are horrible so mine have been in the fridge for 6 months now...
   — tfqh99

October 14, 2010
I will take any left overs. I'm to broke to buy those drinks.
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 14, 2010
Glad to know I'm not the only one who can't drink those. I bought two cases before surgery and then after surgery could not even stand the smell. If you want to use them up, here's an idea: I'm 10 months out from LRNY and am finally on the last bottle. I mix a small amount (1/8 of a bottle) with watered-down Crystal Light (16 ounces). That way I'm getting my water in and also adding 5 grams of protein to two cups of water. Most days I do two of these, adding 10 grams of protein to my day. Good luck with them!
   — paulami

October 14, 2010
The flavors are Passion Fruit and Mango Peach. I hope someone contacts me soon so these bottles can go to good use. They have 40 grams of protein per bottle. If I could just give them away, I would, but I'm not rich either and have to make at least some of my money back somehow. Thanks everyone!!!
   — whattalady

October 16, 2010
hello I love Isopure and I would like to purchase please e-mail me at picutita31@live.
   — bibilis31

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