silicone patch for scars

has anyone tried those silicone strips you wear to help fade scars? or any cream with silicone? if so, what kind and did it work?    — cinlu (posted on July 9, 2010)

July 11, 2010
Many years ago I had breast reduction and used the silicone strips on my scars. I think they helped reduce the raised areas of the scars. It's difficult to even tell I had breast reduction now, but it's been 12 years. I had weight loss surgery in 2007, and now...if you can believe this...need to have implants to put some fullness back into the breasts as I lost so much with the weight. I've lost over 130 pounds and just had the abdominalplasty done June 11th. I don't think my scar will be all that bad with this, as it's already feeling very flat and it's so thin. My surgeon won't do two surgeries together or too close together in time. I have to wait 4 months between. So I had the abdominalplasty first, then in November am having the arm and breasts done, then the following June a thigh lift. I work at a school, so doing it when I have time off. Good luck with your upcoming surgeries...and I'd try the silicone strips if you can get them. My surgeon had supplied them to me with my breast reduction. Best wishes and congrats on your weight loss! Cheryl
   — Cheryl K.

July 14, 2010
I use both here in Brazil, but I see better result in a cream with silicone or a cream that you can ask to make with specific component(Rosehip oil 15%, Nonionic cream 30g, Tamoxifen 0.01%, Triaxinolona 0.05%), but you need ask your doctor if this is better for your case.
   — Dr. Elias Kuster

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