How long after surgery do I have to wait to go to an exercise class? — cuppaloopy (posted on December 7, 2009)
December 7, 2009
Take it easy. Walk as soon as possible starting when you wake up in the
Hospital still. Walking will be your main exercising. Add other exercise
slowly! Your body will tell you what's too much. Swimming is also great to
start with.
Remember to sip sip sip. Drinking to stay hydrated. If you feel dizzy, your
already dehydrated. Sit and drink. Till you feel better.
— Michael Eak
December 7, 2009
Walking is started the day after surgery and working up to at least an mile
at 4 weeks post op. Also at 4 weeks post op your surgeon will probably tell
you it will be OK to begin at the gym like Curves etc. Then it is up to you
to continue with your routine at least 3 times a week. The important thing
is to keep it up and never stop. Besides your eating habits this will be
the second half of your success. Good luck.....
— karensaporito
December 7, 2009
i was told to walk as soon as possible and get in more walking as days go
by and to start excercise about 3 weeks so there would be no straining on
the stomach muscles.
— carolyn1970
December 8, 2009
I was walking 2 hrs after surgery. I have fibromyalgia and lymphodema so
its very hard for me to walk. I have stationary bike pedals and they have
been a God send. I am working up to 25-30 min a day.When I think my stomach
is all better, I want to get back to water arobics. I love that. its soo
much fun.Go walk around the mall or any store. My house is very small so I
dont have alot of options.
— suzette N.
December 8, 2009
My Dr. said 6 weeks before I could go to the gym. I was walking the same
day as surgery. When I got home he wanted me to start walking upto 30 min
a day, at the 6 week mark I should be at a brisk 60 minutes. When I was
back at the gym, ab work was see how you feel. 4 months later more more
more! Don't forget your water. Check with your Dr.
— Nurseducky
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