What happens if you eat solid food after a fill?

   — jacalac65 (posted on October 28, 2009)

October 28, 2009
When I had my lap band, I would usually wait 2 days before eating any heavy meats as the fill will of course make the band tighter, your stoma will be slightly irritated. Because it is smaller, you will have to adjust how big your bites are so nothing gets stuck. My normal routine was to east mushies or creamies for those 2 days.
   — Kathleen O.

October 29, 2009
Everyone is different, and it depends upon how much fluid you have added at a time. I usually avoid things like steak and pork the first day or two. I also chew even smaller bites, chew until it is mush, and wait a little longer between bites than usual. I always eat something after a fill just to check to make sure the band isn't too tight (our surgeon is only in our area twice a month, so I want to catch any problems before he leaves town). I'm 5 years post-op and am at goal weight. However, I am still adjusting the band fluid. At times I've had to take fluid out, and sometimes I have to add some. That is the nice thing about the Lap-Band. It is adjustable to help you MAINTAIN your weight loss. I hope that helps. God Bless.
   — KimM

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