I had surgery in October 2007 and have question on reflux

I had the surgery oct. 2007 everything seems to have gone well until about a month or two ago. I have been feeling tightness in my chest and feels like at base of my throat where it connects to your body like I have a block there if I dont keep my head up I feel like I cant breath. I feel nauseous all the time. I had a scope done last week they thought I had a stricture they found ulcer and leashions in my throat they put me on protonix and carefate but does not seem to help anyone else have this tightness feeling??    — Paula B. (posted on September 21, 2009)

September 21, 2009
I will be 2 years Oct 26th and I have been having terrible heart burn (I guess that is what it is) for about 2 months also. It happens whenever, if I eat or don't eat. I know I need to go in to see the doctor and have some test run to see what it is. It seems that a lot of people at 2 years start having this type of problem. I will post more when I find out what my problem is. I hope you feel better soon. Let us all know what is causing your problem when you find out. Take care and God bless.
   — cleofet

September 24, 2009
Paula, what type of surgey did you have? Band or RNY?
   — lieutenant-ed

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