I long should you drink the protein drinks.

I had gastriac bypass two months ago. How long can I drink the protein drinks. I was told I should not be drinking the protein drinks now. I should be getting my protein from food.    — DonnaRo (posted on September 9, 2009)

September 9, 2009
Each DR has there own set of rules from what I see. I'm 14 months out and am not able to eat solids. I use 2 protein drinks aday and cottage cheese,bean or what ever I can tolerate to get my protein in. But If you are able to eat at what ever point your DR & Nut say to do as they tell you. I wish you the best!
   — tootsie52

September 9, 2009
my doctor said that if you CAN get all your protein from food then by all means, go ahead. if you aren't able to get in enough food each day to reach your protein goals then you need the supplements. it depends on each individual. i still take the protein shakes in the morning because they make a satisfying breakfast-- 23 grams of protein and about 100 calories-- so not a big deal for me.
   — greenpunchbuggie

September 9, 2009
I had the surgery 8 month ago and I am still on protein my friend is going to nurseing school and she said I should alway drink protein because are bodies can't not absorb the protein from foods because the took out the small intestine that help us to absorb protein. Good luck on you journey.
   — rks106403

September 9, 2009
No disrespect to your doctor, but you should continue to drink protein shakes for the rest of your life. We don't just mal-absorb protein, we mal-digest it. The parts of our old stomach and upper section of small intestine that we removed, make it nearly impossible for us to fully break down protein into the proper amino acids so it can then be fully absorbed in the remaining section of small intestine we have left. Some resources that explains more about how NORMAL protein digestion and absorption occurs (remember, gastric bypass patients no longer have normal digestion: we have no stomach with gastric juices & duodenum/upper part of the small intestine): Traci Knoppe LAP RNY 7/27/04
   — Traci K.

September 9, 2009
I am also two months post op. I have two protein drinks per day as morning and afternoon supplements. Breakfast, lunch & dinner are small meals. I know I don't get enough protein from those meals alone, since I can't really eat that much. At least it takes care of about 46gr of protein. Check out They have some great ideas with daily food plans to follow. Susan Maria (who wrote the book, Before & After), suggests the "5 small meal plan", which is three small meals and two supplements. It gives you ways to get in your protein (with or without protein powder). It's helped give me some good ideas on what to eat. I hope this helps! Good luck on your journey.
   — Jeanne C.

September 9, 2009
This is a great question! My DR. says to get the protein from our food also and stop shakes around 6 months out. The majority of my support group still uses protein shakes and about half is out over a year. I personally still use Unjury shakes for my breakfast pretty much everyday. Guess its my security blanket to get that extra protein to make my quota and help with hair loss etc. Its your body and you know it best as long as your not overdoing your calorie intake by keeping your shake I think they are still a great source of your protien and vitamins!
   — ToniLee

September 10, 2009
Hi! I am 15 months out and still drink a protein shake or have a protein bar once a day. Some days I may not, but I try to. Many in my support group still consume them. Many use a shake as a meal replacement. I eat the bar as a meal. I have been maintaining for about 6 months and still try to get 60-80 grams a day in. I was having a hard time stopping to lose weight, so I kept the replacements going. I have to eat 4 meals and 1 snack a day and I still only have 4 ounce meals,(per my nuts directions) so I need the extra protein . My nutritionist would have liked me to stop months ago, but I didn't . I needed the calories and wanted the protein. When I lowered the protein intake to about 40-50 a day, I noticed my hair falling out again. I don't want that either, so one bar or drink a day is little price to pay. Congrats ont he surgery and good luck to you! hugs, Kim
   — gpcmist

September 10, 2009
Each doctor is different in their viewpoints here - and my surgeon is adamant that there is no way a person can get enough of the needed nutrients, vitamins, minerals, etc. with food alone since the amount they eat is now so restricted. That is why he believes that not only should you have a good protein drink once a day for the rest of your life, but that it should have plenty of those essential vitamins and minerals, etc. (He believes the best one if Metagencis Bariatrix Meal Replacement - and I really haven't found one I like as well as this - but there are those that don't like it and prefer others - it really is an individual decision I believe). I have been on it since I had my surgery a year ago, and my blood work is checked every 3 months and everything is excellent! Just my 2-cents here : )
   — Wendy M.

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