Anyone else terrified that they'll be the only weight loss failure in history?

At four months +, post op (RNY) I'm only down 55 pounds. I've noticed others losing lots more in the same amount of time. I'm doing the best I can. I just keep having this nagging fear that it's not going to work for me. Does everyone go through this? Thanks for your answers! Paula    — PaulaJ (posted on May 8, 2009)

May 8, 2009
Hi Paula, Yes..I think we all try to hang on only to the info that says"I lost??" we are all different and do lose at different stages. We didnt put it on over night therefore it doesnt come off over night. I had surg 7/1/08..lost and am still loosing slowly.. Iam ok with that, as long as the weight comes off..I am happy. I dont want to be Barbie..I want to be Healthy! I know it is hard to watch the scale move slow..but I am now down 115 lbs. I dont have much for clothes..right now but dont see any reason to run out and buy new things YET! Just remember..we each have a new tool..and it is working for us..we just need to have patientce..(something I have NEVER had!). Feel good and do as you are suppose to and you will arrive!
   — tootsie52

May 8, 2009
I am 4 months out today and have lost 55 lbs too. I used to read all those weight loss stories about people losing so much more than me at the same point I was at and was feeling like I must have been doing something wrong too. Once I stopped worrying about everyone else I am now fine with where I am. It didn't come on overnight and it's not going to come off overnight. Just don't worry about other people - stay focused on you and your goal and we will make it together.
   — blackeyesuzin

May 8, 2009
Paula, Although I had a different surgery, I feel exactly the same way. I know I could do better about my eating but some days I am just doing the best I can. The weight is coming off slowly but I dread my doctor's appt next month for 6 mos. Hang in there. We will all get there at our own speed. Candace Wilkins
   — candace501

May 8, 2009
HI. OMG yes I swore for the longest time that I was the one that it wouldnt work for. It was hard to convince me otherwise. I had my surgery on 12/18/08 and so far I have lost 69lbs...and u will too. I didnt lose it as fast as other people but I lost it fast for me...and that was all that mattered...everybody loses differently.
   — elimeno

May 9, 2009
We are all different...and some lose faster or slower than others for so many different reasons...55 pounds lost is hardly failing! Give yourself a year and keep following your post op rules...It's ideal to lose about 10 lbs a month...It's healthier...and that is how your body wants to do things! So don't feel discouraged! Hugs!
   — .Anita R.

May 9, 2009
first, you wouldn't be the only weight loss failure in history. i have a few friends who have done it...two have failed horribly, two have been successful. it's kind of helped to see that, though, as the two successful ones followed the doctor's instructions. the other two eventually went back to their old ways. so, i think the key is to just follow the instructions and that's that. i have lost a good deal in the nearly four months post op (lap rny 1/13/09) BUT it has slowed waaaaaaaaaaaaay down. i have constant thoughts of "what am i doing wrong?" and "what can i do to go back to that faster weight loss?" like others have said, i just need to be patient. it's really difficult to do it, but i think it's also really important to NOT compare your weight loss and results with someone else. talk to your doctor about it. if he/she/they don't think it's going as well/quickly/etc as it should, i'm sure they'll be able to go over your diet, habits, exercise, etc and help you pinpoint where you can do better. if they think it's just fine, then great! and believe me, i've learned not to be so impressed with my fast initial weight loss. it doesn't last!
   — rachieo

May 9, 2009
Hi Paula, I had the lapband and they say your lose slower with it. I have lost 18 lbs in the first month and at my check up last week the clinc staff was thrilled. They say 1-2 lbs a week is the best way to lose and keep it off. And at first I thought omg it will take me for ever at this rate. But then I did the math 8lbs a month x 10 months = 80 lbs that sounds like a great goal. Good luck on you journey. Carolyn James
   — Cjames3259

May 10, 2009
I had lap-band surgery July 18, 2008 and have lost 10 pounds. The doctor can't figure out why. Talk about weight loss failure even after surger.
   — tonilady

May 11, 2009
I was always a slow loser and after the 5 yrs has passed since having wls I have gained 52 lbs. Changes in eating habits, going back to old ways of eating, not exercising, upped bp meds, more meds added on, RA meds with added prednisone and not feeling full. All have been my reasons for gaining. I feel like a total failure at wls and is ashamed at how I look and feel all the time. Yes I can still wear a smaller size and not the morbid obese sizes that i used to wear, but I hate feeling like a failure at this. I go to counseling and am working on why i eat or love foods so much. Meds have not helped very much at keeping my cravings at bay. The 5dpt by Kaye Bailey does the best for me if i stick to it. I still dump on high sugar content and greasy foods. I hate eating meats. Veggies i could eat all day. Plain Lay's chips are my biggest downfall twice a week. It is only a 1-7/8 of an ounce bag, but it is wrong for me to eat them and how I feel after is worst of all. Yes but yet I still do it. So fear of gaining it all back terrifies me. It has been 2 yrs for my sister and she is skinny as a rail. Never tried to follow the diet or exercised and is from 369 to 180 lbs in almost 3 yrs. She eats nothing but meat and junk food all day. Me I eat sensibly and healthy as I can and still gain or lose the same 8 lbs each month. Until I get a handle on what is going on I am miserable. I see my surgeon next mo. and hopes he can help me find out why my food cravings are so strong.
   — mspisces

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