still throwing up

Well, i posted before that i was throwing up white foamy stuff often. Yesterday i tried to have consume soup at a chinese restaurant and i only had 3 bites, got sick right away and threw up that white foamy stuff about 8 times, GROSS!! I called my surgeons office and they think i might have a stricture. I am from manitoba and am going to toronto next wed for my first follow up. Wondering if anyone knows how they check for a stricture? Im thinking a barium swallow? but im not sure. Any comments of anyone else with this problem, i would appreciate your input. Im getting kind of worried and am feeling awful.    — sassy1696 (posted on April 17, 2009)

April 17, 2009
Hi, They may do a Barium swallow first to confirm that there is a stricture or they may want to do an endoscope so they can see and fix the problem with one procedure. If there is a stricture they can use a baloon to open up the tight area to let what you eat go down. If this is the problem you should feel much better afterward. Hang in there, you are in our prayers. Kevin
   — hapkidodoc

April 17, 2009
I had my surgery in the beginning of December and occasionally still get the "slimes". Normally it is when I eat too much, or eat too fast. Sometimes it is because something doesn't agree with me. One thing you can try is drinking warm water or tea about half hour before eating, and taking the mucus reducers before eating. My doc told me to do that to see if it worked. It really didn't, because it really didn't have anything to do with mucus, it had to do with the way I eat. I am still working on it, but if I am careful, I can usually get by without sliming.
   — Dawn A.

April 17, 2009
I had RNY a year ago and have had 6 strictures. They do an upper GI scope and if there is a stricture they will dilate it. You don't feel anything as they give you a sedative (Versid). Good luck to you. Ana Villa, RN
   — nursevilla

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