I had RNY 23 days ago...I'm so thirsty, I dream of being engulfed in cold water, but

drinking doesn't feel good - in fact, nothing feels good going mouth is so dry...I also can't tolerate anything 'scientific' tasting...protein drinks, anything like that. I used to love Crystal Light - can't tolerate it now. I'm getting about 3-500 cals a day. I wish I could drink more. Today I ate a Clementine...I just sucked the juice and spit out the fiber..That's all I've eaten today - I call food 'doof' these days! Anyone else feel this way?    — christina57 (posted on April 10, 2009)

April 10, 2009
I had my surgery on 2/19/09 and I can understand what you're saying. Right now I am on my soft food phase but I still don't feel like eating sometimes. I also used to love crystal light and now can't stand it. I've started drinking Powerade Zero. It comes in strawberry, berry or grape. Goes down way easier for me. I also like Skinny Water. Comes in pomegranite/berry flavor. Very good. I hope this helps. If the drinks are too strong try to dilute them with water. Just get the liquid in. Things will get easier. I think what you're going through is normal. I don't really like food anymore
   — alojah82

April 10, 2009
I understand how you feel. It does take a while. I had my surgery on 3/5 and I still have some difficulty sometimes, especially when I am not paying attention while I am eating. It is just so easy to eat too fast so be careful. I also dislike most things that are artificially sweetened, so I try to avoid them as much as possible. Decaf coffee and herbal teas count as water, maybe that will go down better. Try squeezing a little fresh lemon or lime in your water for flavor. At this early stage, I think the key for any of us recent surgery patients is just getting in as much water and protein that we can and don't be too hard on yourself if every day isn't perfect. It will get better in time!
   — thegoodlife

April 11, 2009
I totally relate to how you are feeling. It is only the last few days that I don't feel nauseated after taking in anything (food or drink). (I am 3.5 weeks PO) I recommend the Power Aid Zero that was mentioned in an earlier posting. It is really good, and is inexpensive if you go to Walmart - about $0.80 for a 32 oz bottle. I can tolerate cold drinks better than warm, however I have a friend that can only drink warm liquids, and not cold ones. You may want to experiment with temperature. Take small sips every 15 minutes. Too much too fast does not feel good. I believe it will get better, so hang in there!
   — Sherri_tx

April 11, 2009
it just takes time!!! i was the same way at first, but trust me it will get better. i have to force myself to drink, because since surgery i never feel thirsty, which is weird and has the doctors puzzled, but i can tell you that i am now 18mo postop and it still hurts me if i attempt to drink within the 30mins after eating! my body didn't tolerate the protein drinks either, but i could tolerate the low carb slim fast shakes and i lived off those for the first 6mo after surgery. try sucking on ice chips and sf popsicles-those were another staple for me postop. good luck, just hang in there- hope this helps!
   — RNlvnCARSON

April 12, 2009
Try luke warm water...It helps if it's not cold...Might add a squirt of lemon and or a little NSA apple/cranberry/grape juice mixed in water with a little sf sweetener if it's too sour...just for some minimal flavor! But do try to stay hydrated somehow...Even a cup of warm mild camomile tea for hydration....I was much like you starting out and just did my best getting in soft proteins (broths w/pureed meat) because I found out all too soon I had become lactose intolerant and whey was out of the question...All I can say is it gets easier day by day...
   — .Anita R.

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