Protein liquid ideas

Ok am doing my protein liquid diet my surgery has been rescheduled for 3-19. And I need some more ideas for protein liquid drinks that taste better then what am doing please. Hate slim fast I mean hate. Thanks    — tamica D. (posted on March 11, 2009)

March 11, 2009
try world pure protien I get it at trader joes
   — trible

March 11, 2009
During my 10 day liquid diet...I tried a few brands--my favorite was Unjury (the chocolate, unflavored & Vanilla). I would mix 1 scoop choco, 1 scoop unflavored & 8 oz milk--mixes well & tastes great--no grit! In the Vanilla...I added various Sugar free DaVinci syrups--such as Amaretto, Kahluha, caramel, etc--pick what ever ones you like. I also purchased Protidiet shakes from Bariatric Choice (they are in their own individual bottles for on the go convenience) & protein hot cocoa & soup. Very good! I did use a powdered peanut butter--called PB2 & added a tablespoon to the chocolate powder & it was delicious! Just like having real peanut butter! I love 16 lbs in 10 days pre op:) Also...I bought a Magic Bullet to mix the shakes & also a few blender bottles which I love & still use daily!! Best of luck on your journey!! Hugs, Diane
   — angel325

March 11, 2009
Try Isopure (spelled wrong)over Ice. It's pretty good and not chalky. You can find it at GNC
   — samvt

March 11, 2009
I had a hard time finding something and everyones taste is different. The one I like now is Atkins vanilla protein shake. I add unflavored Anywhey to add extra protein and frozen fruit. You can find a sample pack from one of the websites(I think Bariatriceating) and that might help.Good luck.
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 11, 2009, or both have Syntrax Nectar Protein Powder.... there is Chocolate Truffle (to die for!), and Fuzzy Navel (really good). You can also get Any Whey Protein Powder that mixes instantly with any liquid or soft food.... I used it in broths and jellos. The New Whey Bullets, available at the Vitamin Shoppe, are also good, a little thick, but mix well with Crystal Light and you can never tell they're in there. Also, there is Oh Yeah protein shakes that are absolutely delicious, especially the vanilla, which you can flavor with any of the sugar-free flavorings... has a sample package that contains a whole boatload of different protein samples, in addition to four liquid containers of protein, along with the Before and After book by Susan Maria Leach. It's a good book to read before surgery. And over half of it is recipes to use after your surgery!
   — Erica Alikchihoo

March 11, 2009
I too enjoy the Unjury Protein. Just go to I like the strawberry sorbet and chicken soup along with the shakes someone else mentioned. Fran Worthy
   — FranWorthy

March 11, 2009
I really like Wheybolic Extreme 60 from GNC. My son also likes. I only use 1 1/2 scoops. It taste good made with water and ice or milk. No grit. Or try this site that my friend told me about Have a great day.
   — dsquire

March 11, 2009
I personally like WHEY GOURMET. It is whey powder with Splenda and comes in many different flavors. My favorite is the SMOOTH PEANUT BUTTER CHOCOLATE and CARAMEL DIP. These are available at and at There is also SYNTRAX NECTAR. These are fruit flavored like Crystal Light, but are packed with protein. THe FUZZY NAVEL and the APPLE ECSTASY are wonderful. And then there are these 3 oz. vials of PROFECT protein that are like liquid jello and these are great to add to Crystal Light. ANY WHEY unflavored is a good way to boost the protein in your diet. You add this to any hot or cold beverages or food to increase the grams of protein in whatever you are eating. If you have not logged onto to yet, do so. A lot of information is available there as well as products for the bariatric patient. God bless.
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 11, 2009
Tamica, I bought Crystal Lite in those little strips of the lemonade,and added 1/2 pack to each packet.It taste just like Lemon Icebox Pie.(which was my favorite mix. Mike
   — 2lazy2Mike

March 11, 2009
For the protein shake, I recommend the Glucerna chocolate shakes. But to bring in some variety, I also recommend that you try having some broth (chicken boulion cube in hot water with some hot sauce was my favorite) and sugar free popsicles. Mix it up a bit! The first two or three days are the worst, so hang in there!!!
   — Alan S.

March 11, 2009
I have like 200 protein shake recipies. PM me your email address and I will be more than happy to send em to ya!
   — Rachelena

March 11, 2009
Protein is truly a personal taste and after Surgery...your tastes change drastically at first...I couldn't even OPEN the jar of protein powder after surgery without gagging...and drinking it was not an option...I suggest you go to a vitamin store and get samples where ever you can and try them yourself, until you find that one you love...THEN I still would not stock up until after surgery when you know you STILL like it! Plus I became lactose intolerant after RNY and that made it impossible to drink whey without a belly ache EVEN if I could choke some down...But that was just my experience...Good luck! Most of them are above and beyond gross to me! LOL
   — .Anita R.

March 11, 2009
I know GNC brand protien powders are pretty tasty. So are Vitamin World's except for the chocolate. It has a really strong taste.
   — billbias

March 11, 2009
Hi, Tamica. I LOVE the Atkins protein drink--and if you live near a WalMart--they are the cheapest there. Good luck! NERNA50
   — nerna50

March 11, 2009
I use only unjury unflavored protein powders. I used to mix with milk, now I mix with nestles flavored waters. I couldn't have done this without unjury. The others made me feel queezy. The artificial sweeteners really bothered me. Good luck!
   — gpcmist

March 11, 2009
Be careful of "protein" drinks like Slim Fast and Ensure. They are full of sugar. I also think Unjury was good but usually made my own. It's cheaper and you can create a drink to your own taste.
   — Muggs

March 12, 2009
IDS New Whey Liquid Protein. It's 42 grams of protein in 3 oz of liquid. You either drink it down like a "shooter" or mix it with water. They are clear as opposed to milky, don't have that smell that some find so offensive post-op. I wish I had tried them on day one. I have one every day now and can be pretty much assured of getting enough protein every day. It just makes that one goal easily attainable. As for all the whey protein powders and ready-to drink liquids, just find a GNC or some other outlet that will let you try samples or will promise to let you return the giant canister if you hate the stuff. Also, do an online search and find the companies that will send you samples. You will need to decide for yourself which ones you like--or can tolerate-- and which ones you hate. When you are mixing the powders, be sure to mix very well (blender, magic bullet, stick blender, etc. When you are allowed, mix in frozen berries or other fruit and ice if you need to make it cold and slushy. It makes them much easier to drink. Also, no straws but if you can put them into a sippy or commuter cup with a lid, they are easier to drink. If you can't smell it, it's not so bad. (And that passes after awhile anyway.) I hope this helps. Good luck!
   — Tina G.

March 12, 2009
We certainly all are different and have to find what works for us. It will continue to be a challenge, even more so, after surgery. Your tastes may change then. Here is what I do, even 11 months post-op, and I have tried it all. I drink the protein bullets. They have 42-45gr of protein in 3 ozs. WHILE HOLDING MY BREATH, I drink back half of one. We can only absorb about 25gr at a time anyway. Later in the day I drink the other half. I take a swallow of water or something else after to get rid of the taste. It is quick and painless.:)That gives you 42gr so you are almost there for the day.
   — corky1057

March 12, 2009
I mix the nectar fuzzy navel or vanilla with 1/4 c simply orange juice and serve over crushed ice. It tastes like an orange julius.
   — ntssmith

March 12, 2009
I hate protein powders! There, I've said it. Mix it with whatever you want, but I still hate it, LOL. Once I tasted the clear liquid Isopure drinks (especially Apple Melon!) I can't imagine putting myself through the yukkies ever again. Plus, there's like 40g of protein in them. If I had to have a meal replacement drink, the only ones I could handle well were Glucerna butter pecan (and sometimes their chocolate). Good luck :o)
   — opheliafl

March 12, 2009
Tamica - I also hated the Slimfast. When I was done with my 2 week liquid diet I got rid of what I had left over. What I didn't mind was Sugar-free Carnation Instant Breakfast with skim milk. It tasted good - and fresh because of the fresh milk. I particularly liked the milk chocolate flavor. Good luck...
   — shellb54

March 12, 2009
I got and still do get creative with my protein...I go to walmart and get the Body Fortress Whey Protein Powder for $15.00 in a 3lb tub..blend it in a blender and add fruit and flavour.....
   — british88

March 12, 2009
I am addicted to a protein drink made by American Body Building it is called PURE PRO. The flavor is Chocolate Swirl with 35 proteins and 170 calories. They cost $2.49 each. GNC carries it. The phone number of the company is 1-866-FLEX-ABB.
   — shortnoni

March 16, 2009
Sugar free carnation instant breakfast has 5 grams and the skim milk has 8 grams. That is not a lot, but it tastes good. I also mix unflavored unjury and ice (in blender) with it sometimes when I need more. That is 20 more grams.
   — happybug

March 27, 2009
If your not into the milky chaulky proteins try the " coolaide" type that GNC sells, they were a life saver for me. They have several flavors and go down like coolaide! good luck =)
   — Tammy M.

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