Sinus drainage...sore is Feb 23, 2009

I've taken 2 weeks of antibiotic's (875mg two times a day) used flonase (noise spray) and take zyrtec (been taking zyrtec for 5yrs or more) the throat drainage started about 5 days into the antibiotics. My surgery is Feb 23, 2009...this will be my second attempt for surgery. Could I get anyone thoughts? Thanks    — jessica47777 (posted on February 19, 2009)

February 19, 2009
Having any kind of major surgery when you're ill could cause serious complications. This is one you need to ask your doctor about. I know you're anxious to get this over with, but I'm sure you also want it to go successfully. Good luck.
   — DustyLady

February 19, 2009
Ditton on the first poster who said to check with your doc. In the meantime, you can try an old fashioned treatment: gargle with warm salt water. Better yet (if you can stand this), mix up 1 Tbs. apple cider vinegar and 2 tsp. salt into 8 oz. warm water. Gargle the whole glass full. Repeat every 1 hour & I bet your sore throat will be gone by morning. Far from tasty but it works. Good luck on your surgery.
   — Arkin10

February 20, 2009
I would get a nasal irrigation kit..either a Neti Pot or a Squeeze bottle type. I use both methods (The bottle travels well..the pot is ceramic and fragile) for allergies, colds, sinus,head/sinus infections, throat, etc., problems...You gently flush your sinuses (including the ones up all the way up in your head) with warm salt water and I also use zinc drops in the salt solution to avoid colds and protect as well) My entire family uses it as it heals faster than any other medicine or treatment I've ever used. The relief is just amazing. The salt dries up any infections really fast. My son is allergic to EVERYTHING. Cats, grass, smoke, dust, trees, Just everything gets him sneezing,infected and drippy. He started it and cut his problems by 3/4! I am not kidding. If you use it as soon as you feel something starting, it stops! You can find them at any drug store and the additional soothing drops as well..NEVER use without iodine salt! Sea salt or medical salts come specifically with the kits. Water alone is NOT soothing! Your surgeon will not operate on you with a cold or if your blood tests show an infection of any kind! Ask your surgeon or doc about the Neti Pot and their thoughts! This is nothing new either...It is an ancient daily ritual used in yoga and only just catching on here in the states as people become more and more health conscious! I take mine on vacations just as I would my toothbrush! I'm not even joking! I use it anytime I am in a large crowd, docs office, dusty environment, schools,outside all day or anywhere I could pick up viruses, dust or contaminants through my nose...I have had ONE cold in 6 years! They start and never get full blown...Just that once when my immune system was suppressed and I was malnourished! Just a suggestion...Good luck, I hope you clear up before your surgery date! If not, you'll get there, just get well first!
   — .Anita R.

February 20, 2009
Jennifer, I hope this note finds you feeling better, but if not, I also recomment the NeilMed Nasal irrigation system or something similar. For a year straight, I was getting sinus infections every month as soon as the last round of antibiotics were finished. Since I started the nasal rinse, I have not had a sinus infection, nor a cold, and it has been over a year! It does take a few weeks getting used to the rinse, but it is well worth it. You can find it with the nose sprays at your pharamcy or I've seen it at Target, Walmart and even BJs Wholsale Club.
   — SeaCordWay

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