Recovery Time, Excess Skin, & Long Term Effects???

Hello :) I was wondering three things: One, how long was your recovery time for gastric bypass? I only get a week off from work and I was wondering if that is good enough or not. I am 23 years old if that has to do with anything. :) Second, I am nervous about excess skin. I am needing to lose around 150 lbs and I plan on exercising, and following the diet perfectly. Any tips or advice on other things to do for prevention? Lastly, my parents are extremely nervous about any long term negative side effects from the surgery. Thank you so so much!    — sydsyd (posted on January 15, 2009)

January 15, 2009
Good questions. I have lost 75 pounds so far with no sagging problems. You will likely have little or no sagging after two years. It takes a while for the skin to bounce back. You may have strech mark scars. Scar cream like mederma will lighten these. You will be off work at least 6 weeks. So you will probably need to use disablity pay not stanard sick or vacation time. It may take longer if things don't go smoothly. I was told six to eight but after three I felt ready. You get really tired. Your body has major healing to do. Long term affects are all positive. You get your health back. You will be on vitamin suppliments for life and need to always watch your protien intake. If your job has heavy lifting you may be off for a longer period. My doctor does follow up for five years. I have read post from people 7 years out who are doing fine. Hope this is helpful in making your decision.
   — trible

January 15, 2009
I had my surgery when I was 34 years old. I took a week off work. It was plenty of time. I did end up having a tummy tuck 3 1/2 years post op, the Dr removed 6 pounds of skin as well as getting new boobies. I am not sure if losing so much weight or having children could have contributed to needing that surgery. I have not had any long term problems. It has been 5 1/2 years. My labs are always great. I feel healthy.
   — Carlyn M.

January 15, 2009
How long you need to take off is and individual thing. I only took 8 days off not including the weekend but I have a sit down job. I have a friend who does alot of lifting and moving on her job and she took 3 weeks. I don't really have alot of skin issues but I will be getting breat augmentation since I have had children they are pointing at my toes....
   — phyllismmay

January 15, 2009
Sydney, Hi. First of congrats on your decision to lose your weight surgically. That is a big step. Long term negative effects from this type of surgery are rare. At your age, excess skin is usually not a problem. If after surgery, you stay with your program and eat and exercise correctly then you should be fine. You don't say if there are any children or plans to have children but that is the only thing I'd be concerned with. I am 10 years plus post op and at age 54 have no health problems. I had 5 children and now 7 grandchildren. I also exercise and stick to what I like to call healthy balanced nutrition rather than a diet. And yes I do eat meat. Portions and nutritional balance are the key. Let us know how you do. Good Luck and God Bless, vinnigirl, retired RN
   — vinnigirl

January 15, 2009
I took two weeks off, but my job is not physically stressful and I was ready to go back after a week (I couldn't, though, because the surgeon wouldn't clear me to go back sooner). The type of job you have may have a lot to do with the amount of time they'll want you to be off work. I don't have a horrible amount of excess skin, but it is starting to bother me now - my arms and boobs were saggy before and now they are worse, and my thighs look gross. I used to say I could live without plastic surgery, but now I really, really want it! Your results may vary. GOOD LUCK TO YOU!
   — lauren_marie

January 15, 2009
You are right to be anxious. Research is the best way to get your answers. Here's the thing about skin. We obese people weren't too concerned about our skin stretching when we got obese, so when we lose the weight, it is just a consequence of what we have done to our bodies. Many of us are married and had our babies, so that adds to the stretch. You might have less if you have no children and because you are so young, but honey, lose the weight, and if skin issues replaces all the health problems are are missing, I say to the jig and be happy! My theights look like charpea puppies, I call them mut and jeff, but I am healthy and thankful I can cross my legs. My arms flap, so I wear 3/4 length sleeves all the time, but I am thankful that I don't look like a triangle anymore because when I put my arms by my side, they are really by my side, not swinging in the wind because I have a ton of fat on the upper arm any longer. It comes with the territory. I took 6 weeks off because you aren't just having a "procedure" you are trying to change your life. I took six weeks to establish exercise patterns and give myself a good start. Many people however, have surgery and are back to work in a week. Your first priority is your HEALTH though, not your pay. Plan to diet and exercise perfectly, but honey if you could that now, you wouldn't need surgery, so also plan to learn a lot along the way. There is no way to no about long term affects. Some people have them, some do not. I am 5 years out, and I have a gastric ulcer that acts up from time to time, but other than that I am in good shape. I hope my tools lasts a lifetime, and that I never take it fully for granted. Take care and I wish you well. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

January 16, 2009
I was off work for a total of 8 work days (I have a sit down job) and was fine about going back to work. I've lost about 85 pounds and still have a way to go but so far no excess skin. I have not had any negative side effects. I feel great!
   — dnefews

January 16, 2009
If you are having Lap GB...The healing time is relatively fast...A week might not be enough time...unless you have a job/boss that will take it easy on you and let you rest or leave if you are not ready. I wouldn't be doing any heavy lifting just one week PO...So I guess it depends on what type of job you have...You have youth on your side...Younger people usually do better with skin...However it will depend mainly on how long you have been MO and how much damaged skin you have. Areas with stretch marks (damage) will not shrink back. Hopefully your skin still has memory/elasticity to go back to. I was obese my 20's and most of my 30's (200-230)...I didn't become MO (315 plus pounds) until my mid 30's and only for a few years ranging from (260-315) So at 39 after skin went back fairly nicely... The rest is dumb luck and hard work...I didn't just sit waiting for things to happen either...I WORKED MY Tail off..swimming and toning! But unfortunately most do need to have plastics to remove skin...Lastly...You need to do your part not only to maintain your weight, but to stay on top of yearly or bi-annual labs and visits...BE CERTAIN they are testing all your vitamin levels each time..Get copies of lab results/keep an eye on them by comparing levels to previous visits. PREVENT deficiencies by taking all the vits required and SUPPLEMENT according to your labs! DON'T wait for the doc to tell you, you are deficient...They often won't even tell you if you are low as long as you are in a normal range...It doesn't take a whole year for a low normal reading to plummet into deficiencies...DO NOT ignore any symptoms no matter how small they seem...GO get them checked out...I was nearly full blown malnourished with mild symptoms...I ignored them too long almost too late!! Any chronic pain? Just make an appointment/ don't wait around hoping it goes away...Go in/call but don't wait! Eat in moderation...prevent problems with good habits...KNOW your body and how it works! And take your WLS seriously...(follow the general rules) Make good choices the majority of the time. If it comes from the earth, animal or sea... most likely it's a good choice! If you don't recognize a food or it looks sooooo far from it's original state...Don't eat it! LOL You should be just fine! I'm 5 years post op and I have had some nutrition problems and anemia and I have always been a health nut...I immediately researched deeper into how my body works and got myself totally well again with KNOWLEDGE...and continued research to stay up to date...because once the weight loss stops and you become a thin person,Your HEALTH is what you have left...So take care of it! You can do this! I lost 158 lbs exactly half of me...I gained 8 back and maintain 150 lbs lost at 165 lbs...This is the weight my body wants me to be...It's the least work to hold on to and ...I'm quite content. Otherwise I struggle too hard to maintain in the 150's...I quit fighting for "the number"...I feel wonderful! Good luck...
   — .Anita R.

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