how to decided between the band and bypass?

   — kathyortiz-contre (posted on December 29, 2008)

December 29, 2008
Hello. Do your research, take your time in choosing. Alot of surgical groups have seminars for prospecive patients. You can also see alot on Youtube. I had Lap RNY 9-10-08. Down 62 lbs and feeling great. Goodluck on whatever you choose
   — urbrat2

December 29, 2008
Check out the research that I have done on my profile page at Look for the blog post named "Surgical Comparisons." If you can't find it on my profile page, look for it in the March Archives of 2008 of my profile page. From my research, I have found that you should avoid the Lap-Band if at all possible unless you plan to get pregnant or may need some sort of chemo-therapy or radiation therapy that would require you to have a flexible weight loss surgical option. The Lap Band provides just that. Otherwise, it is far more risky than most other procedures and has a much higher revision rate than all others. There is also a FAR higher rate of failure with the Lap Band. I PERSONALLY recommend the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy, but ANY weight loss surgical option is preferable to NONE if something NEEDS to be done and you have no other option. DO your own research. LISTEN to what your surgeon tells you, but keep in mind that YOU have to live with what YOU chose for the rest of your life, the SURGEON does not. There are side effects to both the Gastric Bypass and the Duodenal Switch that make those choices less attractive to some people than the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy. The biggest DOWNSIDE to the Vertical Sleeve is that MANY insurance companies consider it to be an EXPERIMENTAL surgery despite overwhelming evidence PROVING that the surgery is SAFE and EFFECTIVE for weight loss. The problem with the evidence is that the surgery was not performed SPECIFICALLY FOR Weight loss, but for OTHER reasons like CANCER REMOVAL or ULCER removal from the stomach. The WEIGHT LOSS was a SIDE EFFECT! Since the operations were not performed SPECIFICALLY for WEIGHT LOSS, the information that has been GATHERED from them cannot be USED for the purpose of PROVING that the surgery WORKS! This is sheer IDIOCY! one of the BEST things about the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy is that the patient does NOT require regular blood tests like both the Gastric Bypass and the Duodenal Switch. There is also no risk of rejection of any foreign objects that are placed inside the body as there are with the Lap-Band. There are no risks of slippage induced damage to the outer stomach lining either. The efficacy of the Vertical Sleeve is nearly identical to that of the Gastric Bypass, being within a few percentage points as effective and thus being statistically the same. My opinion, as a layman and NOT a medical practioner, is that the benefits of the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy far outweigh the risks that come with the procedure when compared to ANY other weight loss procedure currently available. I hope this helps. Hugh
   — hubarlow

December 29, 2008
My decision for RNY was easy for me. My insurance doesn't pay for lap band for the same reasons that I was not interested.... Constant up keep and higher risk of complications further down the road. Talk to you insurance company. They may make the decision for you.
   — phyllismmay

December 30, 2008
I chose lapband-the Realize band, in my case-because the food choices are more flexible than with the others. After a month or so (I was banded on 12/10/08) I'll be able to eat anything, guided by nutritional value, of course. Plus, I didn't like the idea of having vital organs rearranged. Additionally, I feel if I lose the weight more slowly, I'll have more time to help my skin shrink as much as possible. It took me like 40 years to gain all the extra weight and if it takes me to years to lose it, that's OK. I have about 130 to lose to my final goal. Whatever route you go, it takes determination, and daily healthy food choices for nutrition and portion size. Neither way is the easy way out, some you lose faster and have higher risk of surgical and nutritional complications, others, the weight comes off slower. Research and read lots so you can make a choice you're happy to live with.
   — merryterry

December 30, 2008
I am going to be honest with you. I would not choose the lap band. I wish I had done more research myself but it doesn't work for everyone unless you are good at managing your eating habits. i had surgery six months ago and have only lost 22 pounds. Yes folks will tell you to exercise and eat right and it will work, but I do not feel that i got any help from the band itself to limiting the amount I can eat or hunger assistance. If I was a good dieter and great at exercise I would not have these ugly scars on my stomach on top of it all! I would have definately went with the gastric if I had it to do over because I have pretty much given up. I think they all have drawbacks but I haven't met a gastric patient yet that has had my experience.
   — lelafox

December 30, 2008
Personally, I wouldn't go with the band. I don't like the idea of having a foreign object in my body that can wear away at my stomach. Also if I was great at limiting what and how much I ate, I wouldn't have to have the surgery in the first place. The only thing the band does in my opinion is limit the amount and not what you can eat. The RNY has limited the amount and what I can eat. Since surgery on 10/14/08 I have lost at least 58 lbs. My weigh day is not up this week so it may be more. It is starting to come off a little slower. I would choose the RNY all over again.
   — tonitoot

December 30, 2008
Go to this website on the left side box fourth one down click "Weight loss & Revisional Surgery". You can click on all the types of surgeries, it explains everything you will ever need to know about surgery. If you take the time to view all the items offered it is great info. Best wishes to you and I hope you can decide which surgery to have. This is where I had my surgery done. I had RNY 1-3-06, lost 90-100 lbs and I am totally satisfied with my decision.
   — Kristy

December 30, 2008
Katherine, Sorry I made a type O. The website is
   — Kristy

December 30, 2008
I did a little browsing myself on and here is a good decision maker chart for you. Go to "Weight loss & Revisional Surgery" click on "Intro", "What are my options" scroll down to "click here to view the surgery comparison chart". This gives you a side by side look at each surgery pros & cons. I love this website. It provides all information you could possibly think of when it comes to weight loss surgery.
   — Kristy

January 1, 2009
Ultimately you have to decide for yourself. I chose lap-band because I am a bulk eater. The band gives me the sensation of being full quickly. My research found that bypass has a 4% mortality rate. The band has less then 1%. As a nurse in home care I can tell you I have seen several people a month with severe complications from the by-pass. I have yet to see one person requiring nursing care and repeated hospitalizations with the lap band. Other than a good multi-vitamin and high protein diet, there are no other meds/intake requirements. The weight loss is at a normal & healthy 1-2 lbs a week, and at 5 years they have an equal amount of weight loss. I have lost 113 lbs so far (surgery 4/19/07)
   — Donna O.

January 16, 2009
For me it was easy. I have a friend who is constantly sick with the bypass. And I'm scared of the sagging skin.
   — samvt

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