Pain after IVC Filter

I had my IVC filter on 11/28 they could not go thru my chest or neck i have foru hole to prove it so they went thry my groin. I have a stiff neck which is gettign better. I also have a pain in my right hip did any ine have the filter installed in the groin and have any hip pain. I am calling my doc on monday if it is not any better. My surgery is next friday cant wait yeah    — sawwas (posted on November 30, 2008)

November 30, 2008
tracy, I did not have an IVC filter so i am so sorry i do not have any comment but always call your doctor with any doubts what so ever....please Donna
   — Anglesea

November 30, 2008
I can say that I had a temporary tulip filter placed over 2 years ago and was suppose to be removed and then it couldn't. I think its a good thing. They were able to go thru my neck and it was uncomfortable for a while like a week. However, I had a biopsy of my muscle groin in my right hip area and boy yes that hurt. I think after the biopsy it hurt even worst. I think they hit a nerve because I had tolerable pain for two years- non the less pain. I don't think it the filter that's causing pain- I think it's that leg nerve that was ticked. I wouldn't too much worry because the filter will help in blood clots which is a great benefit to you. Just keep taking your pain meds and you'll be ok. God Bless and much success.
   — bre25

December 1, 2008
I had an IVC placed 3 years ago for a surgery unrelated to my weight and for 2 solid months I was in so much pain I could not walk, it got unbearable, I finally ended up back in the hospital because they thought it was my appendix, I had another surgery, it was not my appendix, I about bled to death from that surgery was in hospital 2 weeks, got home, still having the same pain, I went back and insisted that it was the IVC filter, the IR doc told me no way but if I wanted it out OK, so he took it out, the pain went away as soon as he pulled the last lead out--I haven't had that pain in 3 years, I had my lap band 11-10-08, the surgeon placed the filter this time and I am 3 weeks out and haven't felt any sign of it, I know that it was placed on a nerve or something before. Please call your doc and let them know and get their opinion, I hope the pain subsides for you and it doesn't have to be removed.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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