Bowel problems

Well since my gastric bypass surgery on nov 4, i've had problems with my bowels, had to take milk of magnesia two times to help with some relief, well yesterday it was my 4th day i didn't go and felt the need to but couldn't, it hurt so bad. tried 2 milk of magnesia at lunch, a stool softener in the afternoon, and at night time still didn't go and was in pain, i went to the pharmacy and go some suppositories, tried 2 of them, and had no relief, well my husband took me to the emerge and told me good thing i came cause there was nothing i could of taken to help me at this point cause i was so inpacted,,,,, well you know what happend next,with the pain and embasement, he losend it up and after 2 enamas finally i had some relief, i thought i was doing fine,,, i'm having 8 to 10 cups of water a day and walking 20 min everyday, the doc said it could be a reaction of the anestetic, and all the changes that i've been doing ,,,, so anyhow listen to your bodies, if you don't go the max 5 days then take something forsure to help you... just a thought. thanks. claire    — claire G. (posted on November 21, 2008)

November 21, 2008
I had a smiliar thing only I didn't wind up going to the hospital. It was pretty painful though when I did go. You have my sympathy. It will get better too when you can get in some soft veggies and soft fruit. Fruit made all the difference for me. Hang in there!
   — katiecakes

November 21, 2008
i had the exact same problem after my gastric on 4/9/08. I ended up in the emer. room too and i had tried milk of mag too, to no avail, they took ex ray and said i was not drinking enough water, which was definitely my problem and gave me susppositories and finally after a night of agony i got some relief. I am just fine now and the drinking of enough water was my answer and exercise. wich you well on your journey!
   — susajohn

November 21, 2008
I have the opposite problem. I am explosive and it's watery. Must get there immediately or I'm in trouble. My surgery was the day after yours. Keep watch on things and take care.
   — sheri139

November 21, 2008
Wow does that bring back memories. I had my surgery 7/24/07 - my new unbirthday. I had that problem and thought that I was getting in enough water, I know its' hard, but you need to have water in your hand constantly. The pain is very real and I send you my sympathy for having to go through it. Also, can you have oatmeal (thin) yet? The fiber in that will sometime help with the problem. Good Luck to you - I survived it to loose 140+ pounds ! ! !
   — mcgriff_d

November 22, 2008
Yes, it is bad to get that constipated. As a sort of go-forward maintenance, my gastroenterologist suggest that I include 17grams (about 1.5 tablespoons)of Miralax in a bottle of flavored or regular water twice a day. It is my miracle! It does'nt give me cramps!! It keeps it loose and let's you go normally. There is no taste to it either. I have become a fan of buying it in the big bottles at Costco. Of course, you can always buy a small one at the pharmacy, but it's kind of expensive that way. Just thought I'd share my little miracle with you, so keep it in mind going forward. p.s. I am 3 years post-op, so this problem has been on-going for me. -Darlene [email protected]
   — dadebrito

November 22, 2008
Just a thought, I had the exact same problem too. After my RNY on July 18, 2005 I had nothing but diahhrea. Then realisty set in. I was constipated and could not fully empty my bowels. There was nothing to push the rest out with. I tried everything. Suppositories and everything. 2 Suppositories at a time and still could not empty all. Not to sound graphic or anything, but they finally had to put me on prescription Senna which is Senokot and it works fabulously everytime. What happens I think is they cut some nerves in your digestive tract that manage all of this. They had me on 2 a day, but found out I only need 1 a day, because 2 give me diahhrea. Now my bowels move like clock work just like before the surgery. So my instructions to you is check with your doctor about Prescription Senna. WORKS LIKE NOTHING ELSE! I swear by it. I am back to my old self again. Thank goodness because this is extrememly painful. Mine used to sit at the bottom like one big ball that could not pass. OUCH! Not to sound graphic again, but this is what happens. Hope this helps!
   — trishhooper

November 22, 2008
Thank you whoever invented Glycerin suppositories. They are cheap, gentle and effective. I figured if half of one (or less) is good enough for my little girl a whole one is fine for me. It works and ahh... helps "grease you up" so there is a little less pain. Eat or drink some fiber too.
   — JODI_13

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