Help Please, I'm 1 year post op lap band and suddenly I've been experincing terrible
terrible bouts of gas in my stomach. Feels like labor pain. I've tried ginger ale and gas x with no relief. Has anyone had this and what can I take for it. Its really awful and painful. — bchicks42 (posted on October 27, 2008)
October 27, 2008
the gas can be caused by your protein products. if you are drinking
protein shakes, you may be taking ones that have a poor digestive aid. our
products all have digestive plant enzymes which will eliminate cramping,
bloating, and gas when ingesting our protein powders. call or email me at
[email protected] or 800 626 1022
October 27, 2008
I had the same at 7 months out. I finally went to ER. It was an acute
appendix which came out and I am feeling much better. Remember that gas can
be caused by lots of things and if the pain is bad not fool
around. Seek help!
— Gena L.
October 27, 2008
My surgery was 6 months ago and I was having awful bloating and gas and on
this website I read 1 day that someone had gastritus and took prylosec on
a daily basis and i tried it and what a difference that has made. My daily
life is so much better and most of the gas is gone.
— susajohn
October 27, 2008
Sudden onset of pain is not normal... it is usually a sign that something
is wrong. If you had been experiencing this all along, I wouldn't be as
A lot of things can cause belly pains, best to have it checked out by your
surgeon asap.
Best of luck,
Dawn Vickers
— DawnVic
October 28, 2008
I'm surprised you've tried to relieve gas pain with ginger ale, as its
fermentation can only aggravate your gas pain... However, after checking
with your doc that it is really gas and nothing else, you should try to
avoid completely for a couple days all lactose/whey products (I
know...they're everywhere: milk of course, but also yogurt, cheese,frozen
food, some breads and biscuits, many desserts, and even in some protein
powders!). Many become intolerant to them after surgery, and bloating, gas
are good symptoms. I went through it (before surgery in my case...) and
could not walk, barely breath when in crisis, so I really feel sorry for
When I avoided them for a week and saw the result, I knew that I didn't
want to go back to these products and the associated pain. It had never
happened before, and I became lactose and whey intolerent at 42 years old!
Give it a try, and let us know...Good luck!
— ghis31
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