need to know if any body know if my age 57 is going to be any risk in my lap band su

rgery, please let me know thanks    — luisny69 (posted on September 27, 2008)

September 27, 2008
I am 60 and my reason for the lap band is that I believe and my doctor believes that the lap band is perfect for me. It is a lot simpler than the RNY. It is easier to recover from. I was warned than losing weight will be slower but that is okay by me. There is a Over 50 Forum than you might be interested in. There are lap band people on that forum that can explain it better than I can. Just go to Forums and scroll down to More forums and click on the Over 50 Forum.
   — Nancy1Marie

September 27, 2008
I totally agree with Nancy. I am 62 and had my lap band surgery last November 19 and have lost 50 pounds in 10 months. The surgery was easy and complete recovery was within a few days. In my case, I have had 4 "fills" so far and really have to struggle to feel any restriction at all. I'm hoping that this last fill, which I had last Friday will finally give me the restriction I need to not feel hungry. Weight loss in slower than gastric bypass, but it is safer for people who are older. Also, exercise is even MORE important for the older patient, because metabolism slows down to a crawl, and the only way to lose weight is to try to burn off more calories than you consume. Remember-- you didn't gain the weight in days or weeks! Also, the slow loss allows you to build some muscle to replace the fat.... maybe less sagging skins? Good luck.. the surgery is a great tool. I'm very glad I did it, and I'm happy with my weight loss so far. Flora
   — MusigalF

September 27, 2008
I was 57 when I had the "sleeve". I don't know how surgery could be worse that carrying around all that extra weight. I didn't have any problems and I have now lost 108 pounds.
   — cbo

September 27, 2008
I had mine at 61. I have had a difficult recovery but nothing life threatening, just lots of mnausea and vomiting. Could have happened had I been 30. Good luck to you!
   — Gena L.

September 27, 2008
I was 62 when I had my lap band surgery. I like things to happen over night so am a bit frustrated that the weight is not coming off like the Rny. I use to be a slave to the bathroom scales but I don't even look anymore. I weigh myself when I go in for my fill. This will be fill number 3. I also hope that this one is the one that really restricts me to the point that I will not want to eat large amounts of food. Good luck and move forward with this procedure. Susan
   — susangielda06

September 27, 2008
Hola Luis he visto gente de tu edad operados, y entiendo que no es riesgoso si no tienes otras condiciones graves de salud, por el contrario se han regalado vida. Dios te bendiga.
   — Vanessa957

September 27, 2008
I was 58 when I had my band 4 years ago. It is not your age it is your heaolth condition which your surgeon and other medical professionals will carefully access. It is a low risk surgery and very quick, so if your heart/lungs are fine. you'll do OK. the onliy thing I must remind people at our age is that our metabolism is slower, therefore weight loss tends to be slow. You MUST keep u0p a VIGOROUS exercise program up and follow band ruls to keep the weight off I walk marathons and have a trinaer, etc. We'll have to work harder than our younger counterparts. Try the Lapband group [email protected]. It is for people who are banded and have issues with eating and weight loss. You'll do fine. I love my band.
   — Barb McGraw

September 27, 2008
I am 60 and had lap band on April 16-08 and I had a very "easy" surgery compared to two knee replacements, metal rods and screws in my back. I never took the pain medication, because I just had discomfort. I had the surgery on Wednesday and was driving on Friday and been on the go ever since. Everyone is right, because we are older our metabolism is slower and we do have to work harder. I do keep up the exercise program and the diet. I am down almost 60 pounds and I feel so much better. Just trust in your doctors to make the right health decision and you will be fine. Diane
   — dyates2948

September 28, 2008
I am 74 no problems
   — stanwalker

September 28, 2008
Hi, I'm 59 and looking forward to RNY with eagerness and hope. Not lapband but just to give encouragement.
   — msmugs

September 28, 2008
I had lapband surgery on Aug 12th and had no problems what so ever!1 I am 57.
   — VeraWalker

September 28, 2008
I'm 59 and passed with flying colors for either lap band or grastic bypass my chose. So I feel if you are healthy besides being heavy you will be fine. GOD BLESS
   — LBowker

September 28, 2008
Age is just a number... it doesn't mean anything. What matters is your physical condition and health.
   — mrsidknee

September 28, 2008
   — luisny69

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