Tummy tuck:how soon can you have a tummy tuck done

how soon can you have a tummy tuck done after have the Rouxen Gastric byepass: I had my surgery Feb 1 , 2007    — yvettetas (posted on May 28, 2008)

May 28, 2008
   — deb44m

May 28, 2008
This truely an individualized time frame based on your weight loss goal and your unique needs. For the general population of "lossers" they suggest 18 to 24 months be the soonest. That gives you time to maximize your weight loss and to get comfortable with your maintenance at that weight. You want to be pretty sure you are not going to be lossing a great deal more weight or you will just end up with loose skin again. If you have lost mondo weight and still have a good deal to go, I belive that sometimes they suggest having the loose flesh removed to make it so that you can buy normal clothes and move better, since the sagging flesh really physically resticts you. Your surgeon will probably bring the subject up when she or he thinks that it is appropriate, but they are a good resource to ask.
   — canim150

May 28, 2008
My surgeon said wait 2 years after surgery to have anything done because the skin will ccontinue to shirk little by little in that time.
   — JohnK334

May 29, 2008
My surgeon and hospital staff said not to have any kind of surgery (cosmetic or otherwise) until at least 1 year after RNY
   — redlilies

May 29, 2008
My surgeon advised waiting for a total of 18 Months which is near for you. He said that you want to focus on the last few pounds before the tummy tuck, as it will help the sergeon get the right shap you are looking for. Best of success to you.
   — William (Bill) wmil

May 29, 2008
Congratulations on losing enough weight to need a tummy tuck! How long have you been stable at your current weight +/- 5-10lbs? If you have been stable for 4-6 months, not losing or gaining a significant amount of weight then you should be at a place to have a consultation. Of course every body is different, but that is a good barometer of when you should schedule a consult to get the doctor's opinion. If you're in the LA area I'd be happy to refer you to my amazing doctor. :) Best of luck!! Shadoe
   — Shadoe Gray

June 4, 2008
we have been told 12-18 months.
   — Alvernlaw

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