HELP! I have no energy-can't function normally.

I'm 2 1/2 months post op and my energy levels are lower than they've ever been in my life. I can barely get out of bed and into the shower. All I want to do is lay in bed or sleep, I need help! I thought when I lost a substantial amount of weight that I would get all this energy. I've lost 60 pounds and have less energy than when I was pre op.    — knew_life4me (posted on March 31, 2008)

March 31, 2008
According to my doctor, this is normal, and to be expected. His advice was to fight the fatigue and work through it, not give into it. Your body
   — Jeanne Aldrich

March 31, 2008
According to my doctor, this is normal, and to be expected. His advice was to fight the fatigue and work through it, not give into it. Your body is telling itself that you are not getting the same caloric intake, so it needs to conserve what it considers non- essential energy usage. Hang in there, your body will reset itself. Takes about 2-4 weeks. Just don't give into the fatigue and lay about. Good luck
   — Jeanne Aldrich

March 31, 2008
Way to go on your weight loss. I am 2 years 2 months out from surgery. I have lost 180 lbs and still going(very slow now) I had the same problem I could hardly move as time went on I felt like I was getting weeker. I stayed in close contact with my doc. after about 6 months I think I finaly noticed I had energy back it kinda sliped up on me. Don't forget you had Major Surgery and as long as your Doc and you are on the same page it will take time to recover from any major surgery. 6 Months to a year to recover. Keep up the good work and after while you have energy and not even relize you are going more then you have went in the past. Rhonda G
   — gillis1345

March 31, 2008
I responed to you another way > i had a hard time connecting here for a while.I hope you take to heart what i posted and get some help.good luck,bette
   — Bette Drecktrah

March 31, 2008
I personally think this is unusual...but I could be wrong. It sounds to me like a vitamin deficiency. If it is iron deficiency, the LAST thing you want to do is "fight thru it". Are you taking your vitamins and supplements? If not...You need to. 2 multivits daily...B-12...Iron...and Calcuim Citrate...(Any other vits your doc recommended) It could also be your thryroid... Get labs soon! There is a REASON you are tired...Most of it is just fairly easy to fix just by taking your vitamins...Other reasons could be a bit trickier...but there is an end to it!
   — .Anita R.

March 31, 2008
My doctor pushed me to start excersizing after two weeks and I though he was out of his mind. I started with just 10 minutes and now after 3-1/2 months I work out in the gym 6 days a week for 1 to 1-1/2 per day. I could not walk two city block before without stopping for 10 minutes after each block and resting. Have you blood checked for B-12, Iron, and Thyroid. Make sure you are taking Bariatic vitimums and not over the countery. Got to for a good source. They have a under the tounge spray of b-12 that help me. A b-12 shot will help but you get a let down when it begins to wear off. Thyroid will also cause you to be worn out, but that is not caused by your surgery, and usually does not hit people until they are in their 40's or older.
   — William (Bill) wmil

March 31, 2008
My doctor pushed me to start excersizing after two weeks and I though he was out of his mind. I started with just 10 minutes and now after 3-1/2 months I work out in the gym 6 days a week for 1 to 1-1/2 per day. I could not walk two city block before without stopping for 10 minutes after each block and resting. Have you blood checked for B-12, Iron, and Thyroid. Make sure you are taking Bariatic vitimums and not over the countery. Got to for a good source. They have a under the tounge spray of b-12 that help me. A b-12 shot will help but you get a let down when it begins to wear off. Thyroid will also cause you to be worn out, but that is not caused by your surgery, and usually does not hit people until they are in their 40's or older.
   — William (Bill) wmil

March 31, 2008
I am postop 8 months. I am STILL tired and have no energy. I was diagnosed as being anemic...something I was NOT prior to surgery. I do take my iron pills every day, but like another post says, you are taking in fewer calories than you were before and your body is adjusting. Also, something NO ONE told me prior to surgery--some patient's take up to ONE full year to recover!!!! There are LOTS of things they didn't tell that they should have and should be telling...even if it is a one in a million chance of it happening! I would definitely ask for an iron titer to be drawn to see if you are anemic. And, if you aren't taking the iron, I would start, as well as the rest of your vitamins. I just underwent an emergent cholecystectomy 3 weeks ago too, in addition to all the other complications I had post-surgery (read my profile for more info, if you care to) and I'm still not functioning at the level I was prior to surgery and 149 pounds heavier then!!!! Hang in will get better. I have to tell myself that, or I'll go nuts!
   — ALafferty

March 31, 2008
Rhonda, I have to agree with Anita. The first thing that came to my mind was vitamin deficiency. I'm about 13 months out and just this month had my physical with my primary care physician and was found to be a little anemic. Just enough where my body temp goes down and I fill like I'm freezing. From time to time I do become exhausted and it lasts for about of couple of days and then I'm okay. You might want to increase your multi-vitamin twice a day (one in the morning and once at night). You might want to take the majority of your vitamins at night so they can work while you are asleep. Give it a try and see how it goes. As another poster said, your body is still healing. You might also want to increase your protein as well.
   — the7thdean

March 31, 2008
It took me months to get my strength back. My potassium stayed low. The more fluids that I drank I began to fill better. I also switch to prenatal vitamins, doubled the dose per day. It took me almost 6 mths to get my strength back. If you are showing signs of malnutrition this can make you very weak and if you are exercising to much and your body is not getting what it needs as far as nutrition, the body will begin to feed off your muscles and you could lose muscle mass as I did. They had to check my blood work every 2 weeks for almost 8 months.
   — aburbank3551

March 31, 2008
Hey Rhonda. Are you taking any vitamins? I know that I had this problem and it was because the vitamins I was taking wheren't doing a thing for me. Shaklee Vitalizer Strips have been my savior. My energy is through the roof, my hair is growing back and I feel 15 years younger since I started taking them. You can get them at And you might check out a good protein shake too. Need that protein. Shaklee has great natural and whey. Best wishes to you. It's been 7 years and I feel wonderful and ALIVE. If you need any advice feel free to contact me.
   — Twanda S.

March 31, 2008
I had a similar problem. My internist said it was because of my body still producing too much insulin, just like it did prior to surgery. I had developed insulin resistance prior to surgery -- my body just kept on producing insulin and then, all at once, it all kicked in and left me feeling like a limp dishrag!!! No energy....feeling like I wanted to collapse! As the weeks progressed, these episodes have become less and less frequent. This may be the reason for your fatigue as well. But keep on trying to exercise....even if it is only 10 minutes of walking at a time. Movement helps you to have more energy. Keep on doing what you are supposed to ....... you will be so very glad you did. This journey is not always easy, but the result will be good. Congrats on the 60 pounds!!! I am at the same stage post op and have lost 56! Take care.
   — JStangel

March 31, 2008
I am 5 yrs out, and the first thing that I would ask, are you taking your B-12 shots regularily? Right after my surgery, I was taking the shots about once a month... toward the end of the month, I would get real sluggishI, both mentally and physcially. I talked to my Dr about it and he changed it to take a B-12 shot every two weeks. What a difference!! Lately, I have been getting that sluggish feeling again, so, when I go back to the Dr for my appointment next week, I am going to talk to him about changing it a weekly injuection. I would suggest you talking to your Dr about increasing your B-12 shot intervals. You will be amazed! Good Luck! Danette
   — Danette C.

April 1, 2008
Losing weight is very stressful. Be sure and check in with your surgeon and that your blood work is ok. If it is in balance, then bump up your water and be sure you are getting 8 solid hours of sleep every night. Find ways to relax, stress can cause this easily. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

April 1, 2008
call your PCP and have a CBC (complete blood workup) done -- you could be anemic -- that will make you very tired -- good luck :) roberta
   — RCassety

April 1, 2008
Besides checking your vitamin levels, you should also make sure you are hydrated. I get very fatigued when I don't get enough water; dizzy and lightheaded too. My nutritionist says I should have a MINIMUM of 64 oz. of water everyday. Hope this helps.
   — eddyrider3

May 23, 2008
I helped myself to avoid this problem too, and recommend anyone to check out these products and my story for a healthier life post-op> Anyone who has experiences like mine are welcome to comment here and on the site at:
   — Bruce C.

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