Why am i always cold? Did anyone else experience this?

   — angel4 (posted on May 7, 2007)

May 7, 2007
Hi Connie, I too had this same problem. Eventually it went away (I think) or I just got used to the new weight being gone and now I get cold instead of sweating all day from being fat. Mickey........
   — MCraig3

May 7, 2007
I am cold,too,and I have been told that our metabolism has changed so much & we are losing our fat,insulating layer,that our bodies haven't had time to adjust.I am learning to layer alot...and I live in AZ,for goodness sake! I have been wearing flannel jammies on days when it is in the 80's! I am glad,in a way...I will save on air conditioning ,for sure. And I have had many uncomfortable times,when I was so fat & sweating all the time. So this is a blessing...but one I have to learn to accomodate. I hope that you are feeling peaceful & loved today.
   — peacelovecat

May 7, 2007
my doctor says it has NOTHING to do with losing weight, I told him he was full of it. I am freezing all the time now, in fact, it is 75 degrees here today and i'm sitting at my computer with a sweatshirt on. go figure.
   — jan0859

May 7, 2007
I have the same problem. You're not alone! It's crazy I use to be the hot one in the house. Now I'm the cold one...I think it's because we lost a lot of weight. Now my husband opens the window and I grab a blanket. LOL!! Sheryl Open RNY 11/20/07
   — Sheryl H.

May 7, 2007
I was cold alot the first couple of years of weight loss. Be absolutely certain that you are getting the recommended amount of iron and B's. This can contribute to your getting cold. Having said that, my DH just went through surgery 4 monthes ago and is taking ALL his vitamins and iron and he is very cold now too. I absolutely think it has something to do losing weight as I've talked to many people with the same symptoms. Is does get better, or at least it did for me.
   — sugarbaby

May 7, 2007
There are several explanations for it - mainly your hormones are being released back into your system (your hormones are stored in your fat cells, when you lose weight rapidly they release back into your body) and wrecking havoc with your body temp. Your fat is fading away - less insulation. Your metabulism is changed. I feel cold all day long. I was a cold blooded animal before surgery - now.... I tell you.....I wear a sweater/lap blanket, etc. all day long. It's crazy!! Bundle up, take a hot shower, layer and it will pass. I hope!! Like I said, I was a cold blooded animal before hand... there might not be hope for me. LOL.
   — jammerz

May 7, 2007
I am cold all the time too! I had RNY 12/27/06 and am FREEZING all the time. I keep my house at 78 degrees... but now that it's getting warmer out and especially at night my daughter and husband are sweating so I agreed to lower the temp but have a heavy blanket for sleeping. I used to keep the house at 66 degrees in my fat days... so this is kind of cool... I definitely think it's because of the weight loss, my surgeon agrees. Best of luck and keep warm and know that you're not the only one! lol
   — airbear762000

May 7, 2007
Connie.. as you can see you are not alone. I used to sweat all of the time, walking, sitting, after eating, etc. I think that as people have said that you are losing weight and your body's thermostat just hasn't had a chance to catch up to the changes. I don't know if it is the hormone release, the stabilization of the blood sugar, etc... but while I was losing weight rapidly, I would get cold. My husband laughed as I have always been hot and kicking the blankets off at night while sleeping in my underwear... now I wear long sleeved flannel pj's and snuggle into the blankets... it feels good for a change....
   — Kari_K

May 7, 2007
Hi Constance. Being cold has a lot to do with losing body fat. I am cold most of the time, and have come to purchase tee shirts from Wal Mart and wear them all the time. I buy the nice ones but they also insulate my body. My hands and feet have bearly any fat on them, so they get cold easily now too. Walking helps with circulation, but the smallness of the body and the loss of a tremendous amount of insulating fat causing you to be cold. I also wear a sweater most of the time. I am also 46 years old, and the older you are the more you want a cover. Elderly women many times wear sweaters, even during the summer. Take care, Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

May 7, 2007
Thanks for asking this question... I am cold as well. Everyone had great answers!
   — robinmarra

May 7, 2007
   — deb44m

May 7, 2007
i am cold alot also but i think it is from the drastic weight loss although I also found out I had a kidney stone. When you are overweight your body produces more heat than you really need and after losing weight you miss that because it is easier for us to be cold i believe but i think it will eventually pass and i also found that if you get up and move around and exercise you warm up really quick.
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 7, 2007
BRRRR! I freeze just thinking about being cold. I am so cold all the time, at 76 degrees, I have a sweater or jacket on. I was told it is due to lack of insulation, FAT, and to relish the thought of not having it. At a size 6, I do CHERISH the loss of fat. Whether or not it will go away-I have not a clue! I am two years out, and still cold! Patticake
   — Patticake

May 8, 2007
Definitely!!! My body has adjusted somewhat, although I am still colder than I ever used to be. The blessing is that I don't sweat like I used too! My doctor confirmed it's the loss of insulating body fat and metabolism changes. Plus, when I'm anemic, I get VERY cold and just can't warm up.
   — Tigs

May 8, 2007
Two major reasons: you have lost much of your protective fat layer (yay!) and you are not taking in many calories.
   — Novashannon

May 8, 2007
I am 2 1/2 years out from RNY. I , too, am always cold. it's 70 degress here and i'm sitting with the heater on. It used to be that i couldn't lower the air conditioning enough!! it has to do with loss of insulating fat and changes to your metabolism. joan s.
   — libby17326

May 8, 2007
This could be a sign of hormonal imbalance or other metabolic problem. I'd suggest a check-up w/ your doctor and some labwork (thyroid!!!). Of course, if you have kept up on all of this stuff, no need for it. For many its related to WLS, tho the exact cause is uncertain. I would be curious to know if those of you who experience cold have a higher or lower basal body temp than those w/o these symptoms (basal temp - taken first thing in the morning, before getting up out of bed).
   — mrsidknee

May 8, 2007
I am 2 and 1/2 years post op and I too find that I get cold alot. I used to be hot all the time, now it is just the opposite. I think it has something to do with not having so much insulation.
   — ldypaynter

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