I don't want my husband to know about my Lapband!

He will use this info. as a weapon on any upcoming agruments. He isn't the kind of person you can confide in and not have it come back up! Can I have a successful outcome without having to let him in on it?    — dogbuzzer (posted on February 5, 2007)

February 5, 2007
I havent had WLS yet and I am just looking into it so I'm not very qualified to answer but I would like to give you my thoughts on your question. Its a pretty big financial burden it sounds like and an even bigger emotional burden to carry alone. You may end up have to weigh what you want most in your case. Maybe through couseling together he maybe able to change the way he argues with you. I think other people who have had the surgery will be of more help but I just want you to know I support you and I hope you do whats right for you personally. My mother is dead set against me having any WLS and I finally told her that I have made up my mind and that I am doing it. We had a huge fight and I havent been able to get her to ok it yet. The thing is I have been overweight to varying degrees since I was in 2nd grade and I have been laughed at, last picked, looked down on, and lost a lot of my life because of it. I have tried every kinda diet I could and I have exercised and always I loose weight and always it comes back plus some. No one else knows what its like to fail over and over again and no one else has to live their life outside the circle or at the back of the pack because of it. So the way I look at it no one else gets to make this decision for me or push me into a decision I dont want to live with. I wish it didnt have to be like this and I wish my mother was on board for it but I guess I am going to just have to put it on the complications/cons side of the column and weigh the good against the bad and make my decision with that in mind. I hope you will be able to do the same and make your choice based on your personal opinion not anyone elses. Anyway goodluck to you and I hope others on here will be able to give you some concrete ideas for your problem. 28yrs old, 260lbs, 5'3
   — julsfine

February 5, 2007
You definitely need your husband's support on this one! You cannot go behind his back and do it. My husband didn't support this in the beginning...turns out he was scared that I would die on the operating table! I had him meet the doctor about a month before surgery and once he did and the doctor explained everything, he felt much better and was very supportive! He has been wonderful since especially not having a weight problem ever he has been eating only low fat foods and bringing home lots of things I can eat! He even started to eat yogurt! I strongly urge you to get your husband on board before you proceed.
   — Sheri A.

February 5, 2007
Kim--My first thought is probably not. It sounds like you have many other issues to deal not excluding trust and honesty. My suggestion would be call a counselor. I don't know about the lap band but I can tell you the RNY is not a "walk in the park." Four years ago I needed the support from family, friends and OH--and I continue to need that support today. Best of Luck.
   — MindyM152

February 5, 2007
You cannot do this alone! Don't even try. How would you cover it up anyway? Talk to your husband.
   — Jenn F.

February 5, 2007
I had weight loss surgery three weeks ago. There is no way you can cover this up. One thing you will be in the hospital for 1 to 2 days. Then when you go home you are going to be really score and the way you eat is going to be totally different. You cant hide these things. You need to talk with him. Also you are going to need some support. My first week was the hardest.
   — barfiep01

February 5, 2007
I had to have a psychiatric evaluation before my RNY and one of the questions they asked over and over was about support of family and friends. The psychologist had to clear me before my surgeon would even set up the consultation appointment. I feel that if this same process occurs where you are, that you would be denied acceptance on the psych eval. alone. Family and friends are a very important tool following any surgery. I know that there are those that don't have a support system, and they go ahead . . . but they are not trying to hide anything soooo important from someone they are going to be in contact with on a daily basis. I, too, do not know how you will keep this a long-term secret. Please seek help through counseling before you proceed with WLS.
   — lovinit

February 5, 2007
Hi Kim, I have to agree with the other posters to your question and just add that you need his support more than ever after this surgery. Believe it or not he will be a big part of it all, you are going into this together, it is a life long commitment. My husband helps me with food choices and is very understandig with all of the side effects and there are a few that you just can't hide!! I have been sick from eating too much or food getting stuck and the surgery can make you alot more gassy than you can even imagine.. that has become a joke in my family and we just laugh it off... he has really been good about it. If you are serious about it, you need to come together as a couple to make the decision. There is no way you can hide this from him. Good luck, April
   — April

February 6, 2007
Dear friend, Know where your coming from.4 years ago this coming may I had my rny surgery.My husband was against it. I still did it. He could have taken the time off to stay with me.Could have taken vacation but refused.Almost 4 years out he hovers when we go out.Use to we would go out and leave me to sit by myself all 265 lbs of me.Now weighing160 at 5'4" he has a differant story still gripes about how I look or what I wear. I really just ignore it. He did not want me to get any plastic surgery.Just got my Tummy tuck done Tuesday of last week took 7.5lbs. off my tummy. Next fall Breast Lift and augmentation. I am doing this for me he calls me selfish.I say yes it is all about me(LOL). I do belive you need support.Mu hubby throws things in my face also, I thicken my skin. I don't let his bull get to me.Let him know, then when your ready go get it done. My family was against it my hubby was against it .I was lucky to have a 16 yearold daughter and 12 year old son.They wanted me to be happy.They were behind me all the way even now a week out from my tummy tuck they do not hesitate to help.Make sure you are doing this for you.There has to be someone that will help you along.Like I said my husband took vacation weeks later and went and stayed most of it with his mom did not help out at all.Has not helped me with my TT. Don't go behind his back just do it for yourself. My kids ask weekly why I have not left thier father after 22 years. I tell them he has made me miserable for along time pay backs are (He**) I am happy with me that is what counts. Find your help, Tell him, Get it done and get on with your life. Only childish people keep throwing the past in your face. Robin
   — Robibob

February 6, 2007
I don't know how you could possibly hide it. He would notice you eating DRASTICALLY different portions. ANd what if there are complications? And you end up hospitalized. Beleive me he will be pissed if he finds out when you are unconcscious in the ICU... not that that is likely to occur. He needs to know for medical reasons. I am not trying to be judgemental....I cna understand not telling your mom/siblings, etc and it being feasible that they wouldn't know but your husband? He would know just by being around you. Believe me this is a huge emotional ride and you need all the support you cna get.
   — SteffieBear15

February 6, 2007
i am so sorry for your lack of support. i agree with the other posts, you NEED support through WLS. i have not had my surgery yet, waiting on insurance approval, but the main focus through the program i have chosen (UVA) is a good support system of some kind. there is no way you can have the surgery without him knowing something d/t hospitalization, costs of the procedure, recovery, and your diet changes. i think maybe you and your husband need some counseling to help deal with the underlying issues. hope this helps and good luck with your decision. holly
   — RNlvnCARSON

February 6, 2007
My WLS (RNY) is scheduled for 2/15 - 8 days to go BABY! I could not of made ANY part of my journey alone. Not by a long shot. Friends, Family, Co-workers, Acquaintances, Support Groups, Medical Group requirements, Insurance Requirements, and the list goes on. It's all emotional. It's all personal for each person. It's all about you and your decision, but the SUPPORT from EVERYONE is ESSENTIAL to your success! I am in the pre-op stages now - 1,000 calorie-full liquid diet - I cannot even imagine not telling my husband. But then, it seems we have a different relationship than you do with yours. I whatever is going to make you happy! Do it for you and no one else. But you have to tell your husband. If nothing else, for in the off chance you have complications or what have you - he is going to need to know. Good luck with your decision and your journey.
   — jammerz

February 7, 2007
Hi Kim. Your post concerns me. I can't understand having a lifetime commitment with another human without feeling as though you can share a life-saving decision. It really makes me question slightly your reasons for choosing to be with this person. I have seen so many relationships breaking up after wls, do you think yours can survive a life changing lie like this? I am part of the lucky few, my relationship grew stronger, but as I said I have seen so many fall apart... and these people were honest. I don't see how you could possibly hide this. It was hard for me to hide it from aquaintences, much less someone living with me. Please search your soul and think about why you want to hide this from him. This is the rest of YOUR life, make sure you make the best decisions. Good Luck, Amber
   — septembergirl73

August 1, 2009
If you feel that anything you do will be a weapon for your husband to use against you, sound like you need to do some soul searching on staying with someone that works against you and not with you..... take care!!
   — Libby R.

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