Anyone experience a dull pain on their pouch?
Hi..last night after changing into my pj's i felt a sticking sort or nagging annoying pain right where my pouch is. It felt like their was a pin on the inside of my shirt and it was sticking me. There was nothing there so I thought maybe it was the inside of the button that was irritating my skin and I disregarded it. Well..this morning when I got to work it started to do it again. I of course have a shirt on other than my pajama top so now I know it wasn't the clothes I had on. Anyone ever experience this? It is so weird. I am 3 years post op and never had any complication at all. Think I should be worried? — KellyL (posted on April 10, 2006)
April 10, 2006
Hi there, I often have sticking, burning pain in my pouch as well, and when
I asked my surgeon about it, he said it was most likely scar tissue that is
being pulled when I twist or bend or sit a certain way. Any kind of pain
can be a warning sign so its always best to just ask your surgeon about it.
Best wishes,
— Cassandra Blake
April 11, 2006
I get this sometimes as well, probably more of a tugging ache than anything
though. It gets worse when I am tired. I suspect it is scar tissue
pulling but don't really know for sure. It's not bad enough that I find it
more than a minor annoyance so I haven't asked a doctor about it. If it
gets worse, I will do so. Still, if I were concerned, I would at least ask
a doc...Dina
— Dinka Doo
April 16, 2006
I wouldn't be too concerned HOWEVER, it sounds similar to what a hernia
feels like. For me, mine burned... and then the surface of the skin would
go sort of numb... may want to have your doctor check it out.
— bbwinncforu
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