How much weight is typical weight loss from Lap-Band?

how much weight is typical to lose for someone getting Lap-Band? i know i won't lose as much off the bat as a someone the gastric.    — Suzi H. (posted on March 6, 2006)

March 6, 2006
From everything I have read and researched it is 50-55% of the excess weight that you carry. But as always it is different for every person. And yes they say the weight loss is slower than the RNY. Hope this helps...
   — Krista L.

March 6, 2006
When you first start out, the heavier you weigh the more you will lose. I was losing about 1-2lbs per day to start. I have lost 106 lbs in 1 year. Remember that speed is not important, what is important that the weight comes off and it stays off. You did not put it on in one year, so you can not expect to take it off in one year, Good Luck
   — Steve Cohen

March 6, 2006
Its ALL up to you. You can loose none to all of what you want.
   — star .

March 6, 2006
If you go to the Inamed website (or go to Google Scholar), you can find links to the studies that chronicle the national averages for lap band weight loss (about 65% of excess weight lost over a 4-5 year time frame).
   — SteveColarossi

March 15, 2006
I have lost 84 lbs in 5 mos. 1 wk. so far. I am losing at a rate of about 11 lbs. a month. It all depends on what you put into it.
   — fleethigh1

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