Hanging belly skin support during pregnancy

When I carried my son 13 years ago, I wasan obese mom, all my skin and belly fat hung down below the tight preggo belly parts that held my son. THe skin hanging low on me was very painful combined with the wide huge stretchmarks I had down there. Where on this earth can I find something to support hanging skin. Now that I am RNY post op, I have way more skin hanging than I did then! Thanks    — Jenny_B (posted on January 11, 2006)

January 11, 2006
Lane Bryant has pretty good "granny panties" I wore them while pregnant. The material is thicker and they are made better. They may offer better support than regular maternity panties. Good Luck!!
   — Shannon L.

January 12, 2006
I had this problem. It was not painful to me, but the skin that hung past the pregnancy bump would flap as I walked and it was LOUD! I went to Motherhood Maternity and bought an elastic belt. It's meant to be worn to help support the weight of the belly and help with lower back aches. It's wide elastic with velcro closures. I wore mine just tight enough to keep that skin from flapping around. It comes in different sizes, try one on before you buy it.
   — Ali M

January 12, 2006
For me, I have panty girdles that I wear when going out. Of course I have been semi lucky about hanging skin. I have a belly that is flabby and hanging but it's not real are my thighs :( But buy you a panty girdle that fits you comfortably. Mom bought me two out at Wal Mart. Hugs!
   — Angelfirewithwings

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