Does anyone know what can cause this severe pain in pouch area?
I have had several tests, MRCP, Endoscopy, x-rays, ct scan, liver scan. They still don't know why I am having this constant discomfort and pain. My first attack was March 11 and 12, then nothing until May 6th, and constant discomfort and pain since that time. My surgeon says that it's not gastro by the way I discribe the pain, says it sound muscoskeletal, but not real answers. This is really pretty weird because I have been very active in the gym and everything til now has been so great. The severe attacks lead me to the ER, and they administer pain med, do xrays and find nothing. Now What? Can anyone help....... — Donna M. (posted on June 14, 2005)
June 14, 2005
I'm not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV, so my opinion is based solely on
my own personal experiences. Having said that...pester the crap out of
your doctors until they find what is causing your pain. I pestered mine
for sevral months and was constantly discounted. I did receive an apology
once they found the GIANT ulcer with the scope. So don't give up, make
them do more. You haven't described the pain, and even if you had, we
could only guess what your situation is. Find another doctor if the one
you have wont go further. Good luck.
— RebeccaP
June 14, 2005
My pain was finally dignosed as a hital hernia after I had an upper GI. I
take prevacid every day now. I very seldom get the pains anymore. Good Luck
— Carrie W.
June 14, 2005
Hi, for the past 1 1/2 yrs I have had sever upper abdominal pain rating it
a 12+ on pain scale when I get the attacks, finally had it investigated by
ct scan, x-ray, finally Gastro Doc did an EGD and found that 3/4 on my
restriction band has eroded into my pouch blocking some of the foods I eat,
it will need to be surgically removed. If you have this restriction band as
I elected to have to prevent pouch from stretching later , have your Doc
check for erosion of this into your pouch via EGD.The pain is very bad and
there isnt no pain medication I can take to get rid of the pain. :)
— niteshadow181
June 14, 2005
sorry forgot to add in Aug 2005 I will be 3 yrs post op
current wt : 120lbs , size 4/6
— niteshadow181
June 14, 2005
Ended up in the hospital once for pain like this. They gave me a
"cocktail" in a medicine cup of maalox, donatal and lidocain (not
sure on spellings!), pain went away almost instantly. Then put me on
nexium upon discharge and have not had any problems since. They said it
was some sort of pouch spasms and pouchitis (like gastritis) with a bit of
inflammation in the pouch. Took the nexium for a few months daily, now as
needed, not very often.
— pearlaux
June 14, 2005
Like some of the others, I too had this severe pain. I felt like I was
going to die. It would last several weeks and then go away. Nothing
seemed to work for it. I finally told my PCP about it and she prescribed
something similar to Nexium...I now take it every day and have had no pain
since. It apparantly had something to do with the acid in the old acid, no pain.
— kccjer
June 15, 2005
Hi I agree with the other answers, pester the doctors and go to other doc
if you need to. I've very severe pain in the pouch area since surgery, Lap
RNY. The upper GI showed a small ulcer, at that point my surgeon refused to
see me anymore. I've had ulcers and gastritis since surgery. I've tried
all kinds of meds, the doc said there is no way I should have this much
acid in the pouch - but I do. Anyways, I went back to my allergy doc and
got retested and showed some reaction to some foods -- NOT allergies - just
reaction. I've had bad allergies all my life, so I knocked off the four
foods of the 10 they skin tested me for and my stomach spasms/pain has
improved. It's a long shot, but I wish I had thought of this a year ago!!!
Best luck and I hope you find relief soon.
— Nut Picker
June 15, 2005
If none of the other test return any useful information you may have
Adhesions. Adhesions are basically scar tissue that forms for a random
reason...I have them all thru my abdomen and sometimes they hurt like the
dickens, other times they don't hurt at all.
— Ravenwulf
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