22 Months POst op just started glucophage = HUNGER??

Hi all I am 22 months post op and have just been started on Glucophage (metformin). I was wondering why 2-4 Hours after I take it ( I take 1 500 MG at Bedtime) I wake up around 1-2am And am STARVED to death?? IS this common???    — Sabrina H_NC (posted on August 2, 2004)

August 2, 2004
I never had that happen to me... and I was on Glucophage for years... Glucophage CAN cause sugar lows if you don't eat enough... no matter WHAT they say... it did to me. Maybe that's what's happening?? Good Luck! Sharon
   — Sharon m. B.

August 2, 2004
Hi Sabrina, I have been on glucophage for more years than I care to remember, and yes, according to my endocrinologist and my own experience, it does increase your appetite. I used to take 500 mgs. five times a day, and thankfully am down to one 500 mg. pill a day. I take it at night so that it won't haunt me into looking for something to eat....I'm too lazy to get out of bed! I am one of the lucky ones...I had uncontrollable diabetes prior to my WLS. Was on 100 units of insulin 2X a day, 2500 mgs. of Glucophage, Avandia, and on and on....after losing the first 40 lbs. things started to get better, and I am now down to the one pill. Take a glass of water into the bedroom with you, and when you get those hunger pangs in the middle of the night, take a big gulp. A good way to chase away the hunger, and also helps get in that water! Good Luck for continued success in your weight loss.
   — DorrieB

August 3, 2004
Glucophage I took it for years for my high blood sugar along with a host of others. It did make me have a hunger feeling until I ate something and brought my blood sugar up. It is time released and when you take it before bed time it dissolves as you sleep causing your blood sugar to drop. This caused hunger and sweating and ill feeling for me. My surgeon told me I could never take any time released meds again. The pouch will not absord the time released meds as well. I do not take any diabetic meds now, but I do take a blood pressure med for my elevated bp due to stress related illness of Rheumatoid arthritis. I have constant pain all the time which if I can't control my bp shoots up. Hope I have helped.
   — mspisces

August 5, 2004
Hi Sabrina, Maybe your dose is too low. I am taking 2000mgs of Metformin for PCOS. I am not insulin resistant or Diabetic. It helps with most of my symptoms of PCOS. I was taking 500mgs and I was not losing any weight. My doctor increased my dose, gradually, to 2000 mgs. Now I am able to lose weight again. I am over two years out. I don't really have much of an appetite anymore. 1500mgs is the minimum effective dose of Metformin. It you do some research on the drug you will see that it has a lot of great benefits. Good luck.
   — Allison M.

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