How can I gain 10 lbs. in 2 weeks? Any suggestions?

   — CINDY D. (posted on September 10, 2003)

September 10, 2003
Why would you want to gain weight??? Well for me whenever I tried to diet and exercise, I gained weight. You can try that. Or you can just up your meals. Like drinking a slimfast between meals and eating lots of carbohydrates. I noticed that nobody else responsed probably of fear of the backlash...but...if you are a few pounds off from receiving insurance approval so you can have the surgery...then....go ahead and gain that weight!! I was a few pounds off and I drank slimfast drinks w/meals and increased my carb intake. I also ate cheeseburgers a lot. I hope this helps. I pray that I don't get slammed for my response...but hey...we are only human.
   — jenniemminor

September 10, 2003
if you are trying to gain weight for insurance approval...why not just weigh heavy...big shoes, heavy sweaters, rolls of quarters in your pockets.... heck stick a bag of flour in your purse and hang on to it when you weigh in....remember anything you put on prior to surgery is just more you have to take off afterwards....
   — Peg L

September 10, 2003
I would not recommend the quarters, flour and etc. This is insurance fraud and we have been asked by the founders of this site to not even post such answers. There are other ways.
   — Delores S.

September 10, 2003
I am assuming you need to gain 10 pounds for insurance approval for your surgery. But your profile says your BMI is 37.5 - that should qualify you with your listed comorbids I would think. Good luck.
   — Yolanda J.

September 11, 2003
My thought on this is that it is those people out there who are GAINING weight to have this surgery that are making it VERY DIFFICULT for those of us who weigh A LOT (in excess of 150 pounds overweight) to get insurance approval!! I find it very disturbing and quite pathological. My response may not be popular - but it's how I feel. I have had to fight for a year for insurance approval- weighing 366 pounds!!!! INSANE!!! I am sorry, but I have very little empathy for those who would willingly GAIN weight to defraud their insurance company!
   — MissKimberly

September 11, 2003
I have differing opinions on this issue. On the one hand, no one should deliberately gain weight to have this surgery. On the other hand, we are talking about a person who has multiple co-morbidities and a BMI of 37.5 whose narrow-minded insurance company only looks at 40+ BMI's. Also, we are talking about 10 pounds here. We all know that she will gain 10 pounds without going out of her way to try, but it might take her a year. Why not speed up the process, eat cheesecake everynight for 2 weeks, get approved for wls and save herself a year! I was well above a 40 BMI, so I didn't have to worry about approval, but I can completely see where people would be so desperate as to try and gain a few pounds to get approval.
   — Kristen S.

September 11, 2003
Hey . chinese food the night before would be good for 5 # for me.
   — **willow**

September 12, 2003
I would say wear heavy clothes, long pants, and have you some ankle weights on......
   — sheri H.

September 12, 2003
We all know how to gain 10lbs in 2 weeks but instead of making yourself more unhealthy, challenge your insurance company honestly and with integrity. I am recovering from my surgery currently. My BMI was 38 and my insurance company covered the surgery in 1 week because of my co-morbidities. I think it is important for insurance companies to look at the entire person and not numbers on a paper.
   — Mindy H.

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