Anyone know if it is okay to take Dramamine post op?

I am going deep sea fishing and I have always used Dramamine because I have gotten sick in the past without it. Anyone have any info on this?    — jnmcneil (posted on August 7, 2003)

August 7, 2003
Isn't there a patch that you can put behind one of your ears? I really know nothing of this -- I got seasick on the Balclutha moored at the dock in San Francisco! Nina in Maine
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 7, 2003
I don't know if this will help you or not, but I used to get really seasick when I was fat. I mean throwing up and miserable. Since I have lost the weight I no longer get seasick. Weird huh? I have taken dramamine in the past and used the wrist bands, but I've found I no longer need them on cruise ships or small fishing boats (like they have in Maui). I think you can try dramamine and the wrist band safely, but I'd wait until I was out on the ocean if you are at or near goal weight. Things change so dramatically when you are at a normal BMI. Good luck to you!
   — sandieguy

August 7, 2003
My doc says OK. I've taken them several times and no problems. Good luck.
   — MissPriss

August 7, 2003
I like Bonnine better. It's doesn't seem to make me as sleepy. Since Dramamine has the same ingredient tht Benedryl does it may make you a little sleepy. Just my preference. Take care!
   — Karen Renee

August 7, 2003
Oh yes, as the other post stated there is a patch you can use they are very effective and I use them to fly. They are called Transdermscope! By perscription only, but they are great.
   — Karen Renee

August 8, 2003
Hi. I've never been seasick in my life. Not once. However, I have had motion sickness on the subway! I have had great relief with a "bracelet" that I got from Sharper Image. It's kind of elastic with a plastic disc the's placed over the pulse area. You press the disc when you feel icky. It works.
   — Annie H.

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