Post Op Questions About Water Intake and "Slushies"

I love to gulp down my water and I can't I have to sip or it hurts and comes back up. When will I be able to drink regularly again without the tiny sips. Next I need some ideas for smoothies or slushies I have been dying for a slushie but can't seem to figure out how to make them?    — jnmcneil (posted on July 12, 2003)

July 12, 2003
Do you have any 7-11's near you? I know the ones around me sell slurpees that are crystal light...I have seen 3 or 4 flavors...Yum!! Good Luck!
   — Mandybub

July 13, 2003
I throw some SF koolaid, ice, and water ( you have to play with the amounts to get the consistency you like ) in my blender and blend away. They are great. When I'm being naughty, I make screwdriver ones with OJ and a titch of vodka (and make the kids plain OJ ones, they like them).
   — Kimberley E.

July 13, 2003
I didn't say to just throw the powder in, with a small amt of water, and the ice--I think the regular koolaid would be too weak.
   — Kimberley E.

July 13, 2003
I love slushies and smoothies, too. My standard mix is 1-2 scoops of protein powder (depending on the amount of protein per scoop), 4 oz. water, 4 ice cubes, and frozen fruit (2 larg strawberries or 1/2 banana, etc.). This usually makes a pretty thick shake if you don't over-blend it. Just blend it until the ice is chipped up and no longer. For a collection of other specific protein recepies, check out my profile. I'm pre-op, so I can't help you with the water gulping question Sorry.
   — Beth B.

July 13, 2003
7-11 makes crystal light slushies!!! And they are AWESOME!!!!
   — Sharon M. B.

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