what is ketosis and how do you check it out?

   — deb44m (posted on March 6, 2003)

March 6, 2003
As I best understand it , This is a state where the body is burnung fat for fuel . If its not a diabetic induced state .its good .. youre burning fat .. It can be checked with your urine with test strips you can buy non precription at the drug store . Im sure someone will have a better answer ,,but this is MY understanding
   — ruthie

March 6, 2003
That's exactly right. Early post op, it's a good thing to be in ketosis because it means your body is burning fat. And it's actually OK for someone with diabetes (me, for instance) to be in that state, but not if it's accompanied by high blood sugars.
   — garw

March 6, 2003
Also, what you're looking for is Ketostix and they are a non-prescription item. You dip them in a urine sample and they'll change color. There's a chart on the side of the bottle to compare them to.
   — garw

March 6, 2003
Ketosis is the state of the body when you are using fatty acids for fuel. You can induce it by essentially cutting out carbohydrates. You can tell you are in ketosis by several factors...your breath will smell kind of like nail polish remover (this is because the ketone bodies that are released into your blood streams are similar to acetone, which is the main ingredient in nail polish remover). It also comes out in the urine, so the Ketostix are also a way of measuring. Be sure to drink a lot of water when you are in ketosis as the ketone bodies tend to be kinda tough on the kidneys.
   — Brittany C.

March 6, 2003
Hi Debra! The other posters are right. You can also find a lot more on ketosis by going to this site's library and enter the word "ketosis" and BAM, therre they are...a lot of answers and some articles about ketosis...I know, because I have asked the same question and was directed to the same place. Wishing the best to you.
   — yourdivaness

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