Did anyone ever have panic attacts prior to surgery and how did you do after surgery?

I have had problems with panic attacks in the past and had the 1st one in a long time the other day and now I am worried about it. The panic attacks tend to make my heart race and I do not want to have one of those after surgery. I might think I was dying.    — ANGIE B. (posted on February 24, 2003)

February 24, 2003
Panic attacks are the closest thing to hell I've ever experienced. I too felt as if I was dying. Have you ever tried the drug CELEXA? I think it helps me.
   — Danmark

February 24, 2003
I quit taking the meds for them after surgery and also quit having them. Mine were triggered I think because I thought everyone could hear my labored breathing before I lost weight.
   — lessofme170

February 24, 2003
I had never had a panic attack in my life but when I woke up in my room immediately after surgery, I had a huge one. At least that's what they said it was and they knocked me right back out with Ativan.
   — Delores S.

February 24, 2003
I was taking meds for anxiety (Panic Disorder) but have not taken ANY this last yr. Until I started the WLS journey. I have been NOT sleeping and getting anxious (no attacks yet) but I talked to my PCP and he gave me xanax to take now to help with my anxiety and sleep problems. He said he would definitely give me somehting to take the night before my surgery (april 23, 03). I HOPE that I will not need them again after surgery. But if I do then you bet I'll take them (no fun having the darn attacks).
   — Jamie M.

February 24, 2003
I'm a panic attack/anxiety sufferer, too. My panic attacks were under control for quite a while before surgery. After surgery I had a couple of panic attacks when I got home from the hospital, but I got myself out of them very quickly because I knew it was from anesthesia, the stress of the surgery and the hospital stay. I think the best thing I did was expect it to hit me again, because then I knew to deal with it right away. My surgeon said the anesthesia is a big factor, but so is the adjustment after surgery. I'm sure you'll do fine.
   — Angie K.

February 24, 2003
HI there, Angie! I have been suffering from panic attacks since I was a pre-teen. Have been medicated,for it,for a long time ( at one point taking the Ativan daily and Xanax, for super-emergencies.) Over the years my Doctors swear they have never had a patient who has them as bad as I do. I haven't had one since surgery, I was in 2 situations where one may have popped up, but I took an Ativan, as a precaution, and things went fine. My Shrink now thinks I may be able to wean myself off the meds and have them as reserve. Although I have felt small pangs of anxiety and one where my husband made me take a pill, because he felt one was coming on, I haven't had the need to take extra meds. To be honest, I'm not sure if it is because of surgery or not, but I can tell you since surgery, things have been a lot better. Hope this helps, Vi. open RNY 9/23/02 down 109 lbs.
   — Vi F.

February 25, 2003
i had panic attacks prior to surgery it wasabout a year prior andmy dr wanted to keep me on my medication which is paxil because i was going thru surgery and all i have lost 107lbs doing greatbut for some reason he still want to keep me on it so thats fine becaue i feel fine and nothing has come back those panic attacks are scarey when they happen so i am happy just taking the pills. good luck to you wwrite back if you would like

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