Am I normal ?
Hi , I am 1 year post-op as of today. My confusion stems from the fact that I have lost aprox 120 lbs, yet when I look in the mirror I still see a 300 lb woman. I am about 30 to 40 lbs away from goal. But as hard as I try I still can't see it. Is anyone else having this problem 1 year out ? How long did it take you to SEE the real you ? — Sherry S. (posted on January 18, 2003)
January 18, 2003
I am only 9 months post op, but I know exactly what you are going through.
I have lost 137 pounds I still feel like I look the same. I wish someone
had a good answer for us. Sometimes I worry that I will always see my self
when I reach my goal.
— bevewy
January 18, 2003
Please pop onto the Grad list to find yourself SO not alone. I'm 8+ yrs
out and still kinda confused. Still leave too much space to sit, stuff
like that.
— vitalady
January 18, 2003
I can TOTALLY relate!!! I am now approximately 2 years post-op and have
lost over 200 lbs. I weigh significantly less than my hubby, and he
doesn't look fat to me ... but I still see a fat person when I look in the
mirror. It is a major challenge to see yourself as you truly are ... but
it can come with time. I work really hard on giving myself positive
self-talk and learning to accept compliments. Also, I look at my clothes
as a measure of my size, i.e. "Wow, these are tiny little pants, and I
can wear them fine ... so therefore, I must be tiny ..." It's weird
... I almost feel like an anorexic person who can't see that she's thin,
but I'm working hard on this and really have seen a difference in the way I
view myself which has occurred in the last six months or so. I'm finally
starting to see myself as thin!
— Terissa R.
January 18, 2003
Yes, I still feel very over weight...yet I fall in the "normal"
bmi range now. I think a lot of it, for me anyway, is all the saggy dangly
skin. I'm now at my "dream weight" ..that is the weight I hoped
to get to with surgery. I'd pictured myself as a thin I'm
shooting for another 10+ lbs... I also think my opinion is skewed by other
people. Some folks give me the "oh you're gonna melt away to
nothing" bit, while others agree with me that I should shoot for
another 10-20lbs (I just started saying 20 *MORE* lbs recently). So I
honestly don't know how I'm perceived by others...I guess it's just a
matter of perspective on their part...but since I have such a twisted veiw
of myself I try to cling on other peoples opinions of me(appearance wise).
I hope this is something I get over soon, I've never been much on other
peoples opinions (lol). At any rate, you are NOT alone. God Bless. -Kim
open RNY 7/17/01 -148 lbs.
— KimBo36
January 18, 2003
I am still pre-op so I cannot personaly relate on this, but I was talking
to someone that is post op and told her that I can not even imagine what I
would look like at a normal size and she told me that when I look at myself
in the mirrow now I probably do not see myself as big as I am. Which is
very true, and she stated that it is the same post op. She suggested
always having lots of pictures to compare, not just at your begining weight
but through out your journy. Hope this helps.
— Marcy S.
January 18, 2003
you are definately normal. i have lost 115 pounds, yet when i look in the
mirror that 300+ woman is looking back at me. some mornings i get dressed
and look in the mirror and think "damn I look good", but most
days i still see fat fat fat...the dr only operated on our stomachs, not
our brains...
— candymom64
January 19, 2003
Do you have a before picture? How about an after picture also? Put them
side by side and take a really good look at them. Keep repeating that. I
know it has helped me. I also happened to glance in the mirror in the
bathroom at work and notice that I no longer have that 'shelf' below my
waist. It helped me to notice that.
— garw
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