Why is it requirement to lose an X amount of lbs before surgery

I am very upset about this tidbit; Why would a surgeon, insurance or both require a morbidly obese person to LOSE WEIGHT BEFORE SURGERY ? Committment ? When I had surgery back in January of 2002, at Pacific Bariatric [who had been contracted with Kaiser] there was none of this . And thank goodness, or I would never had been able to have had this surgery. I wouldn't have needed WLS surgery if I could lose the weight ! Anyway I recently had a friend who had their IV started , gowned , foot pumps on etc ready and waiting for surgery, when his surgeon [from Pacific Bariatric] walked in and told him that he had not lost the required amount of weight AND SENT HIM HOME !! I am wondering how many other people have had this done to them, and if anyone knows the legalities of doing this to someone, other than just plain cruelty. Thank you    — Sherry S. (posted on September 6, 2002)

September 6, 2002
Well it makes surgery easier for the patient and surgeon. Espically LAP. But personally I think its a nuts requirement and encourage everyone to find a surgeon that doesnt require it. My surgeon doesnt require weight loss. If the docs who have such requirements suddenly had empty witing rooms for pre ops they would change their policy. MOs hve a lifetime of stress, this one isnt necessary....
   — bob-haller

September 6, 2002
My surgeon didn't require it, but strongly recommended it because it made the LAP procedure easier to do because it helped with fatty liver. I lost 41 pounds before surgery because I had a 6 month insurance fight to deal with and I was taking no chances. I had my surgery on 8/15 and am down another 28 pounds since the surgery.
   — Cathy S.

September 6, 2002
Sherry, I (like Bob) think this is wrong. But it is legal for a surgeon to set whatever pre-op weight loss reqts he wants - just like it is your (or your friend's) prerogative to find another surgeon.
   — John Rushton

September 6, 2002
UPDATE; My friend finally had his open RNY surgery on 9/5, by the surgeon who had walked away from him on the surgery table, just a few weeks before! Kaiser is behind the WEIGHT LOSS TO PROVE YOUR COMMITTMENT, theory. My friend had lost 35 lbs, and the surgeon in question, required a 50 lb committment. Crazy ! Anyway many thanks to everyone's input and for letting me vent. God Bless
   — Sherry S.

September 6, 2002
I have to struggle right now to lose the weight. I have seen the surgeon once already and she has asked me to lose 10% which luckly i alreay started doing it befor i saw her. so far am half way there and i find when i cheat it only makes it harder on me and nobody else. Any ways am going to have lap and she said not only will it help surgery go easier but it will help me lose weight more quicker after surgery.
   — sheri B.

September 7, 2002
While I understand the theory behind losing preop, (liver shrinkage, etc) I thank God that my doc didn't require this weight loss before surgery. If I could lose all that easily I wouldn't need WLS. It seems rather controllingto me. If I had a Dr. walk out on me when I was prepped and ready to go to surgery, I would run as fast as possible to a different , more reasonable Dr. there are a whole bunch of them out there who are well qualified.
   — **willow**

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