Does Hair Loss Before Surgery Return to Normal??

I do not know if anyone has experienced this, but I had PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) and one of the many fun symptoms was that my very thick curly hair turned kinda straight and got very thin and fine. I was told that the surgery would fix the hormonal imbalances of PCOS and that once I got past the ever so fun hair loss stage of things (which I am going through now - though it isn't so very horrid), my hair might actually grow back into its thick curly pre-PCOS loveliness rather than this limp thin mousiness that I've had to live with for the past several years. So... anyone wake up on the other end of wls and the hair loss to follow and grow hair BETTER than the hair they lost?    — Jeanette Hagar (posted on May 23, 2010)

May 24, 2010
My daughter has PCOS and also had WLS four months ago, as did I nine months ago. We all have some hair loss in the spring, but my daughter's has been really bad. All WLS patients go through some degree of hair loss due to lack of protein in our diets. I don't mean to be a downer here, but fighting hair loss after WLS is a very real problem. Just be sure to get in at least 60 grams of protein every day to keep it at a minimum. Taking Biotin also helps. Sugar free jello has helped both hair and nails for both of us. You also might want to look into some of the hair growth products such as Nioxin. Good luck with both your surgery and your hair, you won't be sorry you made the choice to look better and improve your health!
   — Bonnie H.

May 24, 2010
I lost hair too after LAP/RNY. I'm glad to say it all came back. I have a friend who lost hair after WLS and her hair came back thicker and curly! Ride it out.
   — Muggs

May 25, 2010
All WLS patients go through some degree of hair loss due to lack of protein with diets, but we do not know if it will grow better than the hair that you lost, because each one is different. Sometime it grows better, sometime not. So, take as much as you can of protein. Warm regards.
   — Dr. Elias Kuster

May 26, 2010
Try using Nioxin shampoo and conditioner. It really works!
   — clinicmgr

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