14 days post op. Having issueon what to eat

I feel I am eating too much and making wrong choices. I have been following the diet from my doctor and have been eating liquids, sugar free pudding, jello and popsicles. I have cravings for sweets. What else can should I eat?    — sally08 (posted on April 1, 2010)

April 1, 2010
Protein shakes, clear broth, and Crystal Light. I wasn't allowed SF pudding until I lost 75% of my weight, but that is my Dr. Phase 3, I was allowed to eat cottage cheese, ricotta cheese, tuna, soft fish, soft cheese and of course protein shakes. To tell you the truth I wasn't hungry at all, it was a chore to do this. To this day I am not hungry and I am under goal, which is a problem now for me. Plus the biggest problem for me is, I can't tolerate most protein so I must use protein shakes. I would check with you Dr and ask him/her what you should be eating. My Dr gave me a time schedule on what and when to eat. This new episode in your life is going to change your life completely for the better, well for me it has. I forgot, I must have 64 oz of water a day too, plus 60 grams of protein. Good luck my weight loss
   — FSUMom

April 2, 2010
It is critically important to get your 60 grams of protein each day. At 14 days, this has to be accomplished with a liquid protein like a shake or "Shot" from GNC or Wallmart. You will feel much fuller for a longer period of time if you get your protein and the cravings for sweets will go away. At Costco, there is a chocolate shake called "Premier" that has 32 grams of protein and 2 grams sugar, 2 grams fat. Two of these each day will satisfy your protein needs. 64 ounces of water or other liquid is very important also. The water flushes the fat that you are loosing from your system faster. For now, stick with what you are doing but add the protein and you will do fantastic! Congrats on the start of a new you!
   — Bonnie H.

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