stool softner

Does anyone know what kind of stool softner we can use after gastric bypass surgery?    — cuppaloopy (posted on February 12, 2010)

February 12, 2010
get the powdered water soluable miralax. take at bed every night when you are having issues with a little juice and it works great also get some benefiber to add to your food as additional help
   — lynnredboy

February 12, 2010
They also sell stool softeners in gelcaps. I am 6 months out from gastric bypass surgery and take 2 pills daily. Good luck...
   — phillybnj

February 12, 2010
I have soooo many issues with oonstipation it isn't funny, I try everything prescribed and over the counter. I know I should be eating more veggies, but it is so hard to get all my required foods in.
   — FSUMom

February 12, 2010
Colace capsules are on my doctor's list but I've found Miralax to be more effective. It's also on our list of safe, post op products. Miralax can be taken daily. It's tasteless and grit-free so I just put a scoop in my bottle of crystal lite every other day or so and I'm good to "go".
   — Arkin10

February 12, 2010
I use gel caps 2 a day. I also eat activa yogurt every day and use the flavored drink packs from benifiber.
   — phyllismmay

February 13, 2010
I'm 7 wks postop for RNY gastric bypass.....remember iron binds you up. I'm taking 2 100mg colace....but buy store brand as same ingredients & cheaper, & I take in the evening right before bed. I also eat an activa yougurt every morning.....I've had issues all my life then you throw in this extra iron....the colace is gel caps so not hard to swallow or digest at all. Good Luck :-)
   — 3decks

February 13, 2010
I use fleet suppositories, one every morning to get things going. I also take Benefiber orange tablets twice a day. This comination works best for me.
   — cydthekid50

February 13, 2010
I too have had a problem with constipation all my life and am really uptight about this becoming an insurmountable problem after I have lap band. I have tried lots of different "remedies". The only thing I have found that works (like a charm!) is 2 tbsp of mineral oil every night before bedtime, but somebody told me that the mineral oil coats your stomach and doesn't allow the nutrients from your food to go into your body... this makes sense, but I hope it isn't true because it is working so well for me! Anybody know anything about this?
   — MzScarlet

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