I have been throwing up and having multiple bouts of diarrhea for 4 days now.

I also have a bump under my left breast on my abdomen. It is nt painful to push but I am concerned. In light of the economy I have no health insurance so it is hard for me to get the care that i need. Is this an emergency? Does anyone have any idea what this could be?    — Sarah1985 (posted on September 22, 2009)

September 22, 2009
you don't need me to tell you this. you know you need to get to the emergency room. you can apply for charity care later. get that taken care of!
   — greenpunchbuggie

September 22, 2009
I agree about the ER!! Have you called your surgeon yet ?You probably have the flu thats going around. Are you running a fever? You are probably dehydrated at this point. They can check that bump out while your there. Thats a weird spot for a bump, I still have some fatty bumps mostly on my arms. Please go get checked out! Good luck!
   — ToniLee

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