Black tar Stool

I had RNY surgery on the 12th of march 2009 and i had my first bowel movement on the 14th of march 2009 and it was black tar (old blood) and everyone since has been like that i call the doctor today because it has happen 3 days in a row and i was told this happens to people 1-10, has anyone had this problem and will it go away?????    — MRKLJAMES (posted on March 16, 2009)

March 16, 2009
I have not heard of this being common. I would think calling the surgeon for their advise would be best.
   — trible

March 16, 2009
Yes, I had this problem, and yes it goes away. Heck, at the risk of being TMI, I was not even warned that this would happen, and when I got home, I had two TOTALLY UNEXPECTED ACCIDENTS that I needed help cleaning up both me and the floor and the toilet.... but I am now exactly two weeks post op, and the stools are more normal in appearance and texture.... just very, very small.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

March 16, 2009
this sounds more like how stools are when you take your iron-are you taking it? It can go from a dark black color to a greyish greenish color depending on the iron you take. Before you panic try to remember if you are taking iron. Good luck Cindi M.D. retired
   — DollyDoodles

March 16, 2009
Hi, This is very similar to what happened to me. I had my RNY on Thursday 2/5/09 and my 1st BM was on Saturday night 2/7/09. I noticed a little red in the toilet and there was a dark blackish red lump. My gut instinct told me it was just some old blood from the surgery that made its way into my intestines and out the end. I was pretty sure that's what it was, but after asking about it on a local support group on Yahoo, I was advised I should definately go to the ER. I went to the ER on Sunday morning, 2/8/09 and learned I was OK, had no internal bleeding. I mentioned it to my surgeon on my 2 week follow up and he stated it was not unusual to have some blood from the incision in the intestine end up inside the instestines and end up being passed in a BM. I saw a tiny bit of blood on my next BM and none after that. I was 90% sure it was old blood from the surgery, but I sure felt the $100.00 ER co-pay was worth making it 100%.
   — AKQJand10

March 16, 2009
Yes, I had this too. Don't worry. It will go away. Give it more time.
   — lorannw

March 17, 2009
I do not want to scare you. But like that guy said go to the ER & Have it checked out. This happened to my husband. People on the board said do not worry it happens. the doc said if it keeps happening in a month we will go in & see. Well I told him after 2 more weeks of it if he did not go to the ER I was leaving him. I did not know what was wrong but I knew he could not wait 2 more weeks, he looked like walking death. Got worse looking every day. The people in the ER said any & they mean Any time blood is the BM " IT IS WRONG" Never ever should there be dark smelly blood EVER." Bright red maybe but never dark black. This is fromm the ER not me. They told my husband he was ssooooooooooo lucky he did not wait the 2 weeks & he was lucky to be alive. He lost 5 units of blood. Spent 3 days in the hospital. he had an ulser, put on the right meds he is doing great now. Please go have it checked out. He had no pains you would think of from an ulser just black smelly bm.
   — Donna G.

March 17, 2009
A week after my surgery,I had a BM and it was blackish red and thick. I had several more within a few hours and each time I got weaker and weaker. My Mom contacted the surgeon and was told to take me to the ER. I was hospitalized overnight and given blood. I was told that a scab from the old stomach had sloughed off and caused some bleeding. Get it checked out. Too much blood loss can occur quickly and if you are alone,you may become unable to get help. Good luck.
   — amistique569

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