Thank you!

Dear OH Family, Thank you so much for your comforting words and prayers. I knew I could count on all of you. Our son saw a specialist yesterday and the pulmonologist felt that he probably has histoplasmosis. Which could be caused from some work he did this summer- he was restoring old barns which of course was full of bat and pigeon poop- he is being scheduled for a lung biopsy as soon as they can get it done-- will be either wednesday or thursday. We still have a little hurdle to get through, but God is an Awesome God and he has been with us through all of this. Many many thanks to all of you for your prayers. There is power in prayer and I do feel like we are living that power right now. God bless all of you. Hugs :) Cora    — jnclshrum (posted on January 6, 2009)

January 5, 2009
Dear Cora, I just wanted to let you know that your family is in my thoughts and prayers. I too have had histoplasmosis. But it effected my eyes. It caused me to become blind in my right eye and legally blind in my left. Just k now that it is a treatable problem and try to remain positive. Sincerely Denise North Caorlina
   — deejacobs

January 6, 2009
Cora, Know that you are in my prayers. I had the disease as a teen and it affected my lungs and kidneys. Mostly lungs. It is treatable as I am now 54. Prayer is a powerful force at work in our lives but most don't realize until they really need it. It is a part of my daily life. I'm not preaching just spreading the word. God Bless you and your son, and family, vinnigirl, retired RN
   — vinnigirl

January 6, 2009
Cora, Please know that you and your family remain in thoughts and prayers. When I was very young my dad was diagnosed with Histo. At that time there were only 4 cases in the whole US. He was treated and lived many years longer. Medicine has come a long way since the early 70s so hang in there and stay strong for your son. Ceecee
   — ceecee127

January 6, 2009
We have an awesome God!! I am so happy that it wasn't anything worse. Prayers to you and the family. Hugs, Kim
   — gpcmist

January 7, 2009
Yes he is an awesome god! I had the same experience except they do not know when mine started, they caught mine in 2004 and said that it had to be a few years back. I saw my Thoracic surgeon yesterday at the Cancer Center here in Missouri and the granuloma has not grown any since last March. So, it is a wait and see game. I was scared to death. The doctor did tell me one thing yesterday though, he said that they should have not biopsied this and instead went in and cut it out. It is a about a 2-3 day stay in the hospital. I still might have this removed in the near future just to get it out. You can email me further about this if you would like at [email protected]. They called my disease the same thing though. It is something that only people in the Midwest get is what they told me. They see this alot.
   — trishhooper

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