I need more protein.

I cannot seem to get my 60 grams of protein in. It is kind of hard when I am only supposed to eat appx 2 oz at a time. My nut did not want me to do the protein drinks or bars - wants me to get most of protein from food but how does everyone do it?    — bikermama (posted on July 31, 2008)

July 31, 2008
my doc doesn't want us doing protein drinks either but that is the only way i could get the protein in. The protein drinks will actually help you heal faster too. the drinks aren't going to hurt. the bars might have too much sugar or carbs in them, make sure you check that out before you decide to do that. the drinks would be fine.
   — jan0859

July 31, 2008
How long ago was your surgery? What surgery did you have. I have Lapband surgery 4 months ago and I STILL drink my protein drinks. I don't eat the protein bars the carbs are WAY to high. I add unflavored protein drink to things I eat including my tea to get in the protein and I have no problem doing it. I use the unjury unflavored protein powder. Karen in MA
   — Karen M.

July 31, 2008
I too use is tasty and goes down well. I would personally drink protein to heal faster and lose weight faster and stay stronger and not get weak. It is almost impossible to EAT enough protein for some time. I am 3 1/2 months out and drink 3 protein drinks a day. Some dr's will want you to, but some want you on REAL food...what's the difference at the beginning. Check with your dr and let him/her know that you are not getting enough protein down and you are wanting to drink it.
   — usfour

July 31, 2008
Most likely the doctor wants you to develop good habits from the start of your journey. Shakes and bars typically are "diet" foods, and if you train yourself now how to make good choices by counting protein and other key things, you will most likely be successful when you can truly eat 8oz. I am not sure if this will be possible, 2oz of food and 60g of protein without shakes. Did he suggest anything in particular that would help you solve this equation??
   — bariatricdivalatina

July 31, 2008
It's virtually go get in the 60+ grams of protein daily for new post ops. Once you've been a post op for around 8 months, it's possible IF you are very careful about your diet. My surgeon recommends the protein supplements, as depleted levels of protein while you lose weight during the first few months will lead to muscle mass loss. You do not want this to happen. There are high protein snacks, such as dried peas and dried edamame to help, but limited amounts of food post op makes it almost impossible to reach those recommended protein levels. Since your profile is private, we do not know your type of surgery, surgery date, etc. DAVE
   — Dave Chambers

July 31, 2008
I was allowed protein drinks for the first three weeks. It's also a liquid and counts toward your fluids. There's protein in a lot of things.. Refried beans, for instance. Add some Fat free cheese, melt in micro, add salsa and yum! Add the same to a scrambled egg. At this point, get as much protein as you can, but importantly , get your fluids. As the amount you can eat increases, as it will soon, getting the protein won't be so difficult. Hang in there. Laura
   — waterlover

July 31, 2008
I add cottage cheese to everything, soup, shakes and blend it up. It's 8 grams of protein for 1/4 cup. So I add 1 cup of milk and 1/4 cup of protein to 1 cup broth (5 grams protein) and that's my 2oz for like 4 hours with 21 grams of protein. Then I have a shake with 1 tbsp peanut butter, 1 package carnation instant breakfast sugar free, and 1/4 cup cottage cheese added to 1 cup milk, for 26 grams protein. It gets you pretty close. I was told just yesterday not to worry about the 60grams until I can eat more, but to try to get 45 at the most.
   — k4rizz421

July 31, 2008
thanks for all your responses. i am 3 mos out had lap rny. i will try some of your suggestions
   — bikermama

July 31, 2008
There is protein supplements/liquids at GNC. So many tsps. equal 25g. It takes like crap, but works. I have found these test-tube size containers online-advertised on OH website, there are small quantities with 25g of Protein each vial. WLS is work, you just try your best everyday. I feel that even after 3 yrs, it is a daily chore getting it all in. If I get a headache, I know I didnt eat enough. I try to get in the most by food intake as well, and if I know my day is busy or weird, I do the protein drinks and bars (always kept in my purse).
   — C-There

August 1, 2008
eggs, tuna, chicken, yogurt, milk, cheese, hamburg, seafood -- there is a whole list of foods to eat to get in your protein -- do a google search on high protein foods -- good luck
   — RCassety

August 1, 2008
It is possible, I also have a surgeon that doesn't allow protein drinks. You have to be very focused on eating hgih protein foods. I eat a lot of cheese, cottage cheese, ricotta, and hard cheeses, then tuna, canned chicken, steamed fish ect. It really requires a determined effort to eat protein foods which also doesn't allow any room for non protein foods. Focus on getting at least 15 g of protein for each meal, which gives you 45g and then add a protein snack or glass of milk for the rest. Amy
   — Radgalut

August 1, 2008
I had Lap RNY 7/21/08 and have been taking "Profect" 25 grams of protein in a 2.5 oz vial you can buy online from My nutritionist recommended these. A tad pricey, but definitely worth it when the Dr told me I need 60-65 grams/day. Good Luck!
   — JenStock1970

August 3, 2008
I too have found that stirring in either unflavored whey powder - Optimum Nutrition AnyWhey is good and found at GNC and online - is very good and truly virtually tasteless. You can also stir powdered milk into many things to boost the protein. Another tool is websites like the one I am involved with. It offers "real food" protein rich recipes. Best of luck.
   — sunny99

August 19, 2008
There is a Protein drink/shake called 'Pure Protein' made by Worldwide that is 35gm per 12oz can. It comes in Chocolate & Vanilla and is very tasty. I drink 1 of these a day than complete the rest of the proteing intake with my daily food. This by far has been the best tasking protein drink I have tried to day (6mos post op). I buy it at Trader Joes but it can be purchased online as well:
   — sedona

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