Pennsylvania welfare/access insurance cover gastric surgery?
I have PA state insurance, while I am in the middle of a disability claim. I was wondering If gastric bypass is covered for an adult by the state of PA. — nitedreamer (posted on March 19, 2008)
March 19, 2008
I have to ask you is your disability claim from work? I dont mean to sound
mean or anything but if your on state assistance do you relly think they
should pay for it? I dont. There are so many kids and adults that need
state assistance and dont get it as it is. to ask for all of the residents
of PA to pay for your gastric bypass is kind of rude dont you think? Thats
just my opinion but I bet a lot of people would agree. If your on
disability why dont you wait until you go back to work and use your own
insurance? I jsut dont think its right or moral.
— Joanc
March 19, 2008
Simply call the number on the back of your insurnace card and ask if it
covered under your plan. Only they can tell you if WLS its excluded or
— nsh4991
March 19, 2008
Well I should say call the number. In some cases they very well may pay
for it. I have seen them pay for breast reductions (with enough doctor's
input). If you have lots of other health problems such as diabetes, high
blood pressure, high cholesterol, and pain to name a few, the bypass may be
cheaper for public assistance, rather than pay for years of medicine. It
is worth a try. Oh by the way, I do not feel that it is rude to ask for
help while in the middle of a disability claim. If you are involved in a
disability claim from work they probably would not approve it. If you are
involved because of generally poor health, the surgery could improve your
health issues. Good Luck!
— mary_rn
March 19, 2008
I agree with Mary. Call your insurance carrier directly to see what your
coverage encompasses. As a Pennsylvania resident whose surgery was paid
for by the insurance I have through my employer I have no problem with your
state provided insurance covering your WLS. Who said that you're only
supposed to use it for what the "taxpayers" deem necessary? Last
time I looked, all of us "taxpayers" didn't have a medical
degree. Besides, I thought that the purpose of state funded insurance was
to help those who were having a hard time financially and who needed
medical coverage. I didn't realize that because I pay taxes in
Pennsylvania that I could make medical decisions (and judgements) for
others. Sorry for the sarcasm but I do think that Joan's comment was rude
and judgemental. Good luck to you and I hope you recover soon! Marion
— dsmuffin
March 20, 2008
Good Luck to you! Don't let negative comments (because you'll hear them
all from all over the place) stop you... You need it... You deserve it...
My insurance paid for my surgery (govt employee) and I dont see necessarily
what the difference is! Onward and Upward! Good luck to you!!!!!
— 502Laxi
March 21, 2008
I agree with Marion! Everyone needs help at sometime or another. And you
never know WLS might be the thing that changes your life and get you
motivated, back on your feet and back to your life! Good Luck!
— nsh4991
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