Can I take my vtamns in pill form

Can my vitamins be taken in pill form after surgery or do you have to crush them? Also, any good ideas where I can get the powdered form protein.    — teresasmiles (posted on January 26, 2008)

January 26, 2008
You can take vitamins in several ways--pills, chewable, or liquid. Crushed vitamins taste nasty, so I would not suggest that. Pill vitamins tend to be the cheapest. Liquid vitamins can be more expensive. I like the liquid at , as I take these daily.
   — Dave Chambers

January 26, 2008
After quite a few months you can take regular pills. Directly after sugery, yes you will need to crush any medicine pills that you might still be taking, and or any kind of pills you need to take. Or directly after surgery, you can take liquid vitamins, those are your best bet actually. You can find those at any grocery store that sells vitamins etc, and or even walmart. I get my powdered Anywhey tasteless (not 100% tasteless but it's about 95% tasteless and the only type of protein I could tolerate after surgery) @ GNC. No shipping and handling charges. I had purchased Body Fortress protein powder (again bought at walmart, or any grocery store in your area), but after about a week started gagging everytime as I mixed it with milk. Because I had bought so much of it, I'm trying to finish it up but started mixing it into water instead of milk and that way it is VERY tolerable. (I'm almost 10 months out). Good luck, God bless and see you on the losing side!
   — crystalsno

January 26, 2008
I had my surgery 3 1/2 weeks ago and have taken the capsules from day one. I take them with applesauce and they go down very easily. Make sure you get the no sugar added applesauce and it's a breeze to take them. I don't have to crush or chew or swallow liquid vitamins and it is wonderful! LaDonna
   — ladonna08

January 26, 2008
I get the GNC formula during their 1st week of the month sales if you belong to their club. I really like Unjury, which you can buy online for a cheaper price than pharmacies (if you can find one that carries it - they're usually affiliatd with the bariatric surgeons) at Unjury also has sample packets available, and come in chocolate, vanilla, strawberry (which I hate!), unflavored, and warm chicken soup (which is delicious!). I'm preop so haven't had experience with the postop meds.
   — obeseforever

January 27, 2008
You can only take the adult chewable vitamins. As for protein powder--Unjury is great or EAS which I get at my local Target store.
   — Karen M.

January 27, 2008
I was told to crush my meds after leaving the hospital. I tried that for a couple of days but it didn't work for me so I decided to try the whole meds to see what would happen. No problem! Everyone is different; try it for yourself to see what happens. ** I get my whey protein powder at Vitamin World.
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 27, 2008
i'm one of those who just take my vitamins/pills by the handful -- 6 pills at one time -- i've done this since a week out -- throw them down with some ice tea -- and at 14 months out i've never had a problem --good luck
   — RCassety

January 27, 2008
My stoma is the size of a dime, so I cannot swallow whole pills - not even small ones; they get stuck and I get sick. I am 5 weeks post op. What did your nut or surgeon say about swallowing pills?
   — MiniMello

January 27, 2008
I find that the 'Bariatric Advantage' vitamins are great and tasty. I also like the Building Block vitamins for chewables. they are at If you want liquid, try I haven't tried them, but hear that they are good. Then there is Vitamist. I have tried them and they aren't bad. I mostly used the B12, but don't any more. I am 4 years out and can take the pills, but still take either Bariatric Advantage or Building Blocks. Good Luck
   — jk_harris

January 27, 2008
For protein, you might want to try capsules. That way, you don't have to deal with any taste issues. There's a capsule-form protein called Capsul-Pro at
   — jonedwards

January 27, 2008
Me again. Keep this in mind about the protein. The powders offer a much higher protein per grams count than the pills or liquids. Those Capsul pro's only offer 11 grams of protein in THREE capsules and it's $37.95 PLUS shipping, handling and tax. And most of the already mixed protein drinks are also lower in protein grams making it very expensive to have to drink those. The Body fortress offers 23 grams in just 8 ounces of water, AND provides you with 8 ounces of your necessary liquid needed each day. The Anywhey tasteless protein powder offers 17 grams of protein per 8 ounces and you can put that in anything from hot tea to crystal light with very little taste difference! Don't listen to the people that say your body can only absorb so much protein at a time as that is a MYTH. Again, good luck!
   — crystalsno

January 27, 2008
One thing to consider is the chance of a stricture forming and creating a clog of pills. Don't chance it. Follow your surgeon's instructions (which will most likely be to crush all pills for a set amount of time and then swallow only small ones after that). As for protein, I ordered a sample pack from I ended up using less than half of the powdered samples... because they smelled gross or looked gross or tasted gross. After talking with my dietician, I started on liquid protein - 50 Gram Slams from GNC. While they are pricey, they cost lest than a fast food meal. I also don't want to go off track with protein and punish myself by trying to gag down the powdered stuff. I'm already giving up a lot, I might as well enjoy what I do put in my mouth! I've also heard good things about ISOPURE (GNC) and EAS (Wal-Mart). Everyone has different likes. Who knows which one will suit your tastebuds.
   — gonnadoit

January 27, 2008
As you can see everyones experience is different. I take pills daily and some girl scared me prior to surgery. I have been able to take pills from the first day. Assuming they are not horse pills. Maybe dont take 3 at a time....see what happens! I worried sooo much about this. I do take the chewable vitamins though...I bought them before and I kind of like them. They don't repeat on you. Protein powder? Bought Designers Whey from GNC, I think it is pretty good with milk. Good luck! Linda
   — Linda R.

January 27, 2008
The doctor recomended Flinstone's Vitamin's for kid's.
   — 2409w.poplar_rodriguez

January 27, 2008
My surgeon recommended Flintstones chewable vitamins for kids. They taste great. I do take other pills and have no problem swallowing them. I am 2 weeks out and have been able to do this from the beginning. Also, as far as the protein powder, I have tried a few. The whey protein from GNC is tolerable at first and comes in several flavors. It is also returnable if you don't like it. This makes it easier to try. However, I have since found Unjury protein powder has 23 grams of protein with your skim milk and Carnation instant Breakfast (Sugar Free), you get 36 grams in an 8 oz. shake. It's easier to tolerate 2 shakes a day than 3 of the others. You can find unjury at "" Good luck!! It's really not as hard as some people lead you to believe.
   — Janie Lashley

January 27, 2008
It depends how long out you are with your surgery. I have a friend who is a year out and her dr had a fit because she took pills. I am 4 yrs out and I have been swallowing pills for a while. Your dr will tell you when you can.
   — Joanc

January 28, 2008
I have learned to buy my Vit D plus Cal in a capsul and each morning I mix it with cottage cheese or even a bit of a baked potatoe and eat it that way. I hate it with my Protein drink. Hope that helps. Tracy
   — Tracy07

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