
I am 5 1/2 months postop, gastric bypass, and have lost 82 since surgery and 119 altogether. I was losing my hair a lot a couple of months ago, not alot and now I see some hair falling out. I have been taking biotin and my hairdresser has given me a treatment to make my hair healty.Can I have a professional perm?    — gammiepat (posted on January 18, 2008)

January 17, 2008
I wouldn't have a perm until the hair loss slows and it will as long as you cont. with your protein. There is a protein shampoo or conditioner you should try!
   — Ambitious

January 17, 2008
I would not either. Perms are very damaging anyway to your hair and will cause breakage. Increase your protein and make sure you take all your vitamins
   — nicole30

January 17, 2008
I had lap banding in May and also experienced SEVERE hair loss. You need to count your protein grams and make sure you always get 50-60 grams a day or your problem will only get worse. I was afraid to get a color and that went o.k. but instead of a perm ask your hairdresser for a volume booster. I had layers put in and have a product called curl-up by KMS CALIFORNIA. Thankfully my sister is a hairdresser and has been helping me with my deficiencies!!
   — lisalpn

January 18, 2008
Hair is a dead thing--go ahead and perm. Just use really good products when you shampoo. I have had 2 perms since my RNY 6 mos. ago with no problem (it has really helped hide my thinning hair). Christine
   — Christine M.

January 18, 2008
I had my hair permed a couple of weeks ago (I am post RNY 8/29/07). I had to have the top done twice and it still fell out. The doctor said it is probably from the anesthesia still in my system. Apparently it stays there for a while. Had I known, I wouldn't have spent the money for one so soon. Good luck!
   — stormi25

January 18, 2008
I wouldn't have a perm. NO, NO, NO. good luck. Pat
   — pjennjr

January 18, 2008
I had one about 3 months out and glad I did. My hair is now starting to fall out but the body wave helps it lokk thicker. Although I was concerned about the chemicals, ets. I thought that all the pulling to blow dry my hair was not doing it any good either. Now I wash. Spearate anf fluff with fingers and gel and let dry.
   — JTR

January 18, 2008
I have been a Cosmetology instructor for 23 years and a hairdresser for 30. I'm not having my RNY until the 11th of February, but my sister had her RNY in 2000. I gave her perms about 3 months out and she didn't have a problem getting the perm, although because of the anistesia you might want her to down a rod size as the hair may not take as curly as before. It took about two years before I went back to the size rod she used before. Anything that you put in your mouth comes out in your hair, skin and nails. and your hair is not dead. Terridez
   — terridez

January 19, 2008
Hi Pat - I'm Niecie, I'm 1yr and 3 mos out. I didn't really have a hair loss problem. I had been told right from the start to make sure I eat enough protein and take ALL vitamins. I take 2 chewable Flintstones a day and 2 calcium chews a day and still do. I only had a little loss nothing to be concerned about. I wouldn't get a perm just yet either. I use to get them all the time and right after the surgery I stopped. I would use a really good shampoo & conditioner. Best of luck.
   — niecie54

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